02. 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝒚 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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   Jaemin's hair was matted against his forehead as he panted, staring at his reflection intensely

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   Jaemin's hair was matted against his forehead as he panted, staring at his reflection intensely. It wasn't until the dance team's leader, Lana, clapped her hands and announced that they were done for the day, did Jaemin plop down onto the cold floors and close his eyes in relief.

   They had been practicing for three whole hours, of course he'd be tired. He doesn't blame their dance leader for making them train so intensely, though.

   They have four big performances coming up this month, and Lana has been stressing ever since that was announced. She is in charge of coming up with their choreographies (not completely on her own, of course) and teaching it to them, so she truly does have a lot of weight on her shoulders. Jaemin has trust in her. She's never failed to teach them and always assured them that they'll have an amazing performance.

   And true to her word, they always do perform well.

   Jaemin smiles at the thought before opening his eyes and was greeted with another one of his team members, Genevieve, who giggled and ran her hands through his sweaty hair, sweeping it off of his forehead and Jaemin nearly purred in content.

   Despite the rest of the school making fun of him for being on the dance team, the girls on the team were always fond of him and made sure to let him know that he was needed.

   Jaemin really appreciated it. He needed the reassurance sometimes.

   The said boy sits up and pulls Genevieve into a quick hug. Before they part, she whispers, "You did really good today." For a response, Jaemin rubs her back soothingly and then proceeds to stand up. He pats off the imaginary dust off his sweatpants and walks over to his phone that's resting near his sports bag and picks it up. It's filled with Twitter and Instagram notifications, most of them just saying that a certain celebrity posted but Jaemin pays no mind to those. Instead, he clicks onto his messages and smiles when he sees the one he was looking for.

 Instead, he clicks onto his messages and smiles when he sees the one he was looking for

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A Little Too Much || JaesungWhere stories live. Discover now