06. 𝑰𝒇 𝑰 𝑳𝒂𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒆𝒕

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The bell rings, and feet are shuffling against the ground quickly to reach the cafeteria. Most kids are either worried about claiming their table or getting in line fast enough so that the pizza doesn't run out. Jaemin stands outside the class door 202, waiting for Jeno. He begins to tap his foot impatiently.

Finally, he sees his raven-haired friend step out of the classroom, but finds his jaw dropping when he sees his other close friend, Genevieve follow behind him.

Jaemin continues to widen his eyes in shock, his eyebrows raised to the top of his hairline. "Excuse me?" He nearly shrieks. He immediately thinks of the worst-case scenario: the two of them making out against some desk, or even worse, the teacher's desk. He almost barfs inside his mouth. The brunette feels like he's about to lose all the oxygen in his body from the shock. Taking a quick breath as he notices his friends perplexed looks, he tries to calm himself down. Perhaps he's jumping to conclusions to quickly.

"What is it?" Genevieve asks, quirking a brow in confusion.

Jaemin pushes out a laugh and fakes his infamous, bright smile. "Oh, nothing. I just forgot how beautiful you are!" He squeals, and reaches out to pinch the girls cheek, who rolls her eyes. "Anyway, see you at practice tomorrow, right?" He asks.

Genevieve gives him a thumbs up and nods her head, and Jaemin takes that as a cue to grab Jeno's muscular arm and lead them to the cafeteria. It takes a bit of maneuvering and pushing past other students to reach their destination. Their school is very overcrowded, seeing as Roosevelt High is one of the best school's in the district. Many parents have to put their children on a waitlist in order to get in, but Jaemin's mother made it her top priority to get her son in the best school she could, and she succeeded.

She couldn't give him everything he wanted, but she made sure to give him the best of everything he needed.

Soon, the pair finds a small empty lunch table and sit down. Jaemin pulls out his lunch bag and reads the note that his mother writes to him.

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