16. 𝑺𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑼𝒑 𝑶𝒏 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒆𝒕

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IT WAS PROBABLY about twelve in the morning when the blonde boy's peaceful sleep got interrupted by his obnoxious ringtone

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IT WAS PROBABLY about twelve in the morning when the blonde boy's peaceful sleep got interrupted by his obnoxious ringtone. Groaning, he turns around and slaps his hand around his bedside table in attempts to find his phone, and quickly puts it up to his ear when he felt the vibration in his hand.

"Hello?" He answered drowsily.

"Come outside."

At the sound of Jaemin's heartbroken voice, the younger's eyes immediately opened wider. He nodded his head and ended the call. Throwing his covers to the other side, he quickly put on his slippers, and rushed down the long stairs, and opened the door quietly where he was met with the sight of Jaemin hunched over, sitting on the curb of his driveway, hiccuping and crying.

"What happened?" Jisung asked as soon as he reached the elder, sitting next to him.

Jaemin looked up and groaned with pain. "God, Jisung, I-" He pauses to catch his breath. "I fucked up," He admitted.

The younger boy hated to see this sight — his friend in so much distress. He knew he wanted, no, he needed to do something about it. Jisung wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him into a comforting embrace. It was the least he could do.

"Let's go inside first, yeah?" He questions, helping the elder stand up on wobbly knees.

Sniffling, Jaemin asks, "Are your parents still not home?"

"They won't be back until the morning." He answers.

"I'll be gone before that . . ."

Jisung just nods as he guides the other to his front door, quietly opening and shutting it before taking them both up the stairs and into his familiar room. His television is still on, playing an episode of The Simpson's, and he can already sense Jaemin's relief.

He lets the boy sit on his bed, and pulls out a pair of sweatpants and a comfy shirt. "Now you get to borrow my sweats." He giggles, remembering one of their first few interactions where he had to borrow the elder's bottoms. It felt like such a long time ago.

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