15. 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝑳𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝑰'𝒎 𝑳𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒐𝒖

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THE TENSION IN the air was thicker than Jaemin's ass

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THE TENSION IN the air was thicker than Jaemin's ass.

Jokes, jokes (or maybe not). But really, Jaemin could barely breathe through the awkwardness. He glanced around, everyone in the cafeteria was laughing and smiling, happy to have their break and be able to talk to their friends whereas in their table, it's completely silent. The only sound coming from there is . . . well, nothing.

His best friend is practically seething. His nostrils are flared, and Jaemin can almost see the steam coming off him. Though, he refuses to look up from his food that he hasn't touched.

Genevieve looked between the two boys awkwardly before clasping her hands together. Ever since her and Jeno started dating, she's taken it upon herself to join them for lunch. "So, guys, what'd we think of that math test, huh?" She asks, an innocent smile embellishing her plump lips.

It makes the brunette feel bad for her. She has no clue what is going on.

Jaemin knew that Jeno was upset; it was quite obvious and he knew it was because he left with Jisung. He didn't understand what was so wrong with it, though. Was is simply just because his best friend hated the blonde that much?

The seething raven-haired boy is the first to answer. "I know I passed it. Math comes easy to me," He states confidently.

"I think I got at least an B on it," Jaemin says shortly after.

Jeno glares at the brunette and scoffs. "Please, you were too busy playing with your boy toy to study. There's no way you got a B. I wouldn't be surprised if you got less than an F," He sneers.

The only girl in the table gasps and looks towards Jaemin in shock. "Jeno," She whispers as a warning, her teeth clenched together while kicking his leg discreetly.

Jaemin widens his eyes, yet doesn't say anything. He isn't sure what to say, in fact. He knows he pissed the other off, and he doesn't want to cause a scene in front of the whole student body, and Jeno's anger seems to be hanging onto a thin string right now. He opts not to push it and instead shoves a few pieces of steamed carrots in his mouth, avoiding eye contact with either of his friends.

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