21. 𝑶𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉

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   With each month that went by with no trace of Jeno, the less hope Jaemin had

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   With each month that went by with no trace of Jeno, the less hope Jaemin had.

   He could feel his missing presence affecting him more and more than it first had. Dark, raccoon-like circles appeared under his eyes from a lack of sleep—he started getting nightmares about where, and what could be happening to his best friend. He could be getting tortured. Starving. Cold. Dead. His ribs poked out. Even when his stomach growled, begging for food, he couldn't keep it in. How could he possibly eat warm, delicious food when his best friend is out there with no shoulder to lean on, no arm to keep him warm? Whether is was truly because he felt sick, or because a finger made its way to the back of his throat, he couldn't keep the food down. His signature neat hair was always messy, and a few pimples littered across his face. He didn't want to face the world, so caught up in thinking about Jeno that he forgot what reality looked like.

   School wasn't much help either. What used to be his safe haven has now turned into his personal hell. Narrowed, judging glances thrown at him. Scoffs and whispers that were meant t0 be heard—snarky and snide. Even Genevieve was slowly leaving his side, trying to move on and accept the fact that she may never see her boyfriend again. Genevieve never wallows in her past. She keeps on moving like a lioness, never showing a weak side in public.

   Jaemin tapped his pencil against this chin lightly, too lost in thought until a large book dropped on his desk. A gasp escaped his mouth and he looked up, meeting eyes with his cross-eyed teacher.

   "Number 7, Mr. Na." She tsked in annoyance.

   Opening his mouth dumbly, Jaemin mumbled, "Wha-"

Sighing and shaking her head, the teacher walked back up to the black chalkboard before writing down an equation, squaring in the answer. She taps the chalk against the board three times to catch everyone's attention. "This is why you all need to pay attention, class," she commented snidely. Students glanced over at the brunette, snickering. "We have a test coming up in a week. Be pre-" The bell interrupted her, and students feet stomped excitedly down the hallway, not even waiting for her to finish.

Still slightly dazed, Jaemin slowly drops his pencils into his bag before a shadow hovers over him. Not her again. Discreetly rolling his eyes, he looks up.

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