20. 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓

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   Have you ever felt so unmotivated that you simply can't even find the will to get yourself out of bed?

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Have you ever felt so unmotivated that you simply can't even find the will to get yourself out of bed?

That's how Jaemin has been feeling for the past week. He could no longer find joy in anything he used to—dancing, being with his friends, or Jisung. He hasn't talked to the blonde in at least a couple days since he saw him doing whatever in the alleyway. He thought about that night countless times trying to figure out what he was up to. The most reasonable answer was drug dealing, and although Jaemin didn't want to believe it, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if that was the truth.

   Jaemin questioned everything in life now. Was he really as close to Jisung as he thought? Or Jeno? If Jisung really loved—liked—him, then he would've told him about his wrongdoings and bad habits, right? He would be honest, right? And Jeno...If Jeno really did run away, he would at least text him . . . right?

   "Honey, breakfast is ready!" His mother called from the kitchen.

   The brunette groaned and forced himself off his bed, slipping on his bunny slippers to avoid the cold hardwood floor and dragged his feet to the dining table. He didn't bother looking up to greet anyone, only keeping his eyes on his burrito full of eggs, hashbrowns and bacon that was wrapped perfectly, steam coming from the inside.

   Not bothering to wait for anyone else to settle down, Jaemin took a large bite of his burrito and nearly moaned in delight. This is his first real meal since everything happened. His appetite disappeared the moment he realized Jeno was gone and could only find himself nibbling on small snacks, but this morning his stomach was grumbling, practically begging to be given some real food.

   "Jaemin Na!"

   His mother's rebuking tone is the only thing that made him finally look up, only to see her with a spatula in one hand, and the other holding her hip before she pointed towards the other side of the table.

   "At least greet your guests before eating." She scolds.

   Looking towards the direction his mother pointed towards, Jaemin's cheeks flare up in an instance and he thinks he can compete with the burrito sitting front of him from how warm he feels. There he is, moping around in his pajamas and bunny slippers, shoving a burrito in his mouth while his boyfriend is sitting right across from him, smiling sheepishly while dressed to impress.

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