03. 𝑰𝒇 𝑰 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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GETTING AWAY FROM a party while being Na Jaemin is incredibly hard

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GETTING AWAY FROM a party while being Na Jaemin is incredibly hard. You see, the brunette is a social boy, always willing to have a conversation even with strangers so when people saw the boy pushing past others and making a bolt for the door, they laughed and snickered comments.

"Who'd ya bet he's running from?"

"Anyone, probably. Hell, I could probably flick him and he'd go flying."

"Yeah, he sure thinks he's the shit, huh?"

Jaemin simply decided to ignore them as he finally made his way to the front door. Opening it, he finally caught a breath of fresh air and was able to breathe. It was nice to not smell the intoxicating scent of weed, alcohol, and sweat. He didn't spend time basking in it, though. He has to find a certain blonde boy; just thinking about what could be happening to Jisung tears at the brunette's heart. He sounded so terrified over the phone, as if he was going to cry and although he's technically already seen the younger cry, it still doesn't hide the fact that Jaemin simply doesn't like to see him hurt.

Running around in this neighborhood really wasn't the smartest idea. He saw multiple people sitting in their front yards, intoxicated. Some were in the streets setting off small fireworks and hollering. That was a common thing in this neighborhood, even if it wasn't Fourth of July. People liked to see if they could get away with things. They liked "racing" with the cops and were addicted to the adrenaline. A lot of the times, Jaemin would see teenagers his age racing through the street, one of them hanging out the window and screaming with joy; or he'd often see people starting fights just because they're bored. It happens so much in this damned neighborhood that most don't even look up when they hear the commotion. Jaemin hoped he would never be the same.

Jaemin quickly made himself look away and kept jogging. If he kept staring, somebody would probably run up to him and ask if he's looking for a fight and truthfully, the brunette can't afford to get in a fight right now. Not when he's looking for Jisung.

In all honesty, Jaemin has no idea where he should go. He really should have asked where Jisung was because there's no promise that the kid even lives in the same neighborhood as Jaemin. For all he knows, he could just be some runaway who was looking for some trouble, got scared and ended up here. There's so many possibilities and the brunette really can't comprehend why he's so hung up on Jisung. In fact, there really is no reason why he feels compelled to help this kid out other than the fact that he feels some kind of pull towards him.

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