Chapter 1

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Y/n's P.O.V:
The alarm rang and my eyes immediately opened from the sudden loud sound. I turned the alarm off and sighed while laying on my back. Another college day, another day of seeing those fake people. I stretched and decided to get up, so I won't be late for school.

I did my morning routine and got dressed in 👇🏼

Then my phone beeped and I saw a new message from my bestie Kyle

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Then my phone beeped and I saw a new message from my bestie Kyle.

"Good morning, sweet cheeks. Wanna ride with me to college? 😉" - I read

"Hey, nah, gonna drive by myself today :)" - I answered

"Okay ;( " - I chuckled

"See ya at college xoxo" - I typed back

"Can't wait to see ya, dear 😚" - cutie

We're not dating or anything, we're just friends. Kyle is a really cool guy, we spent a lot of time together and always support each other. He's like my older brother which I've never had. Glad to have him in my life. Also, I don't really have a lot of friends at school because I always feel like I don't fit in.

I'm not popular or the opposite, but people knows me as miss goodie-two-shoes. I've never had a boyfriend because almost every guy is a player and I don't want to waste my time on these silly boys who can't keep their *friends* in their pants.

Fortunately, I have my bestie - Kyle. Even though he's one of the players of our football team and rather popular, he doesn't use girls. I really appreciate him because he's really caring and supportive.

I got out of my car and went to the college doors and from far away I could see physique of Kyle's body. He's tall and muscular, also he has a really beautiful appearance for which girls may fall in one second, but, as I said earlier, Kyle's not interested in that kind of connections.

Kyle was talking with his friends when I approached him from behind, wrapping my arms around his torso and hugged him. Kyle turned around to face me and tightly hugged me back.

"Here you're, sweet cheeks" - Kyle smiled

"Hey" - I said and continued hugging him

"So, no hi for us?" - I heard Claude, Kyle's friend, saying

"Hey, guys" - I said and friendly smiled

"Hi, Y/n" - they chuckled

We heard the first bell ringing, which meant that we have 10 more minutes to get to the class.

"Alright, guys, gonna meet ya some other time today, bye" - Kyle said and placed his hand on my lower back, leading me in school

"Bye, guys" - they called

As we entered the school, Kyle wrapped his hand around my shoulder and we headed to our lockers, which were nearby.

"So, what do you have now?" - I heard Kyle asking

"History and you? Please tell me you have history too?" - I pouted

"Awww, yes, I do" - Kyle chuckled

"Yaaay" - I squealed happily and Kyle giggled

"Hey, wanna hang out today at mine?" - Kyle asked

"Yeah, why not, today's Friday, so." - I said, while closing my locker

"Cool, cause I really wanna spent some time with you" - Kyle smiled

"And I want to spend some time with you as well" - I  smiled and both of us giggled.

*at lunch*

"So, who's free tomorrow's evening?" - Dylan asked

Almost everyone answered "me" and only me and Kyle said no. We looked at each other and smiled.

"Awww, again you two?" - Dylan asked and playfully rolled his eyes

"Yeah, why did you ask?" - Kyle wondered

"The 'gang' is having a huge party tomorrow and everyone's coming" - Dylan explained

"Like, everyone?" - I wondered

"Yeah, they have a huge house, so all of the school can fit. Plus, they have a big backyard with pool." - Stefan said in awe

"Wow and who suits the party?" - I asked

"As Dylan said, the 'gang'" - Stefan answered

"The gang?" - I asked. Suddenly, the whole cafeteria got too quiet and we all turned our heads in the direction of the doors.

"Speaking of the devil" - I heard Kyle murmur.

"What?" - I asked with confusion while examining them.

"So, the guy at the left is Damon, then it's Alex, Khalil from the right and Jason" - Dylan said and then played with his food

All of them were pretty cute, but Jason was the one, who caught my attention. His strong arms were covered in tons of tattoos, his beautiful honey brown eyes, which were scanning the whole cafeteria, then his soft heart-shaped lips curved into a smirk, while stopping his gaze on me. My heartbeat sped up and I turned my head back on the guys. I saw them before, but was never really interested cause I knew what kind of boys they were.

I always found Jason attractive, I mean who doesn't in this school? But deep down I knew he's bad news...

"The earth to Y/nnn" - Kyle waved

"Oh, uh, yeah" - I said, getting back into reality

"You okay?"

"Yeah" - I smiled and touched his arm. Kyle warmly smiled at me and we got back into conversation with guys.

Jason's P.O.V:
We entered the cafeteria and everyone's eyes were on us. Uh, the satisfaction. I scanned the room: the popular girls table, hmmm, not really interesting, already had all of them. The nerds table, awful to even think about it, the next table: guys from the football team, I mentally rolled my eyes cause almost all of them were "goodies" and I hated all of them, then my gaze fell on some girl, who was sitting with them.

Wow, she's hot "or beautiful, Jason" - inner me said. She seemed different from other girls, not a cheerleader or popular girl. Hmmm... She caught my interest. I smirked and she turned away, I rolled my eyes at her and looked at others.

I saw her sitting next to Kyle and rolled my eyes again, he didn't want to be a part of our gang, even though I asked him to join us. He refused me. I knew he wasn't like us, so what I should have expected? Then I continued to examine this girl, but she didn't even look at me, which irritated me.

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