Chapter 3

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I was a bit nervous and scared, you never know what's inside a criminal's mind. I was quietly sitting and looking outside the window. I could feel Jason's gaze burning right through me for a moment and got even more scared. God, can the time pass faster?

Then I turned my head in his direction and watched him a bit. He has a beautiful profile... Tattooed muscular arms, beautiful honey-brown eyes, which were focused on the road, defined jaw, which he clenched and unclenched. Truly gorgeous...

"Stop it" - I thought to myself and looked down.

"Don't fall for his looks" - I thought and played with my fingers, trying to distract myself.

"Something worry you?" - I heard Jason's raspy voice, which I liked so much.

"Uh...what?" - I asked quietly and glanced at him.

"You look deep in thoughts" - he said and glanced at me as well.

"No, I'm fine" - I lied and looked out of the window.

"Alright, I'll pretend like I believe you" - I heard him quietly chuckling, which made me look at him.

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you." - I heard him say. I just looked down again and tried to relax.

Jason's P.O.V:
We drove on Y/n's street and I pulled over near her house.

"Hey, we-" - I glanced at her and saw her sleeping. Damn, she looked so cute, especially with my jacket on her shoulders.

I sat in my seat and admired her features. She was really beautiful... Never in a milling years I thought I would ever think about any girl that way.

I shook Y/n a bit and she slowly opened her eyes. I wish she would wake up besides me every mor-
"shut up" - I thought to myself and quickly looked away.

"Are we here?" - Y/n sleepily asked and looked around

"Uh, yeah" - I said, looking at her and then turned away from her.

Y/n's P.O.V:
I looked around and made sure he drove me home. Wow, he actually did... I looked at Jason and saw him looking deep in thoughts, but I just shrugged it off. I quickly exited the car and heard Jason exiting the car as well. I stood still and waited for him to come up to me.

"So, as you can see, I'm not that bad" - Jason chuckled and stared down at me.

"I never said you're bad" - I scratched my arm. Yeah, never said, but always thought... He chuckled again and stared at me, scanning my face. I got a bit confused and uncomfortable and looked at his gorgeous face.

"Alright, I think you should go home, it's already half past two of the night" - he uttered and looked at my house.

"Uh, yeah..." - I mumbled and looked anywhere, but him.

"Thanks for the ride" - I murmured and glanced at Jason.

"No problems, sweetheart" - he grinned, while my eyes widened and I felt my cheeks turned red.

"I-I think you mistaken me with someone else" - I blushed for some reason and looked away.

"I know the only one Y/n and that's you" - he chuckled and tilted his head to the side, not moving his gaze away from me.

"Whatever" - I said and walked past him, towards my house.

"Good night" - I heard him saying. I looked behind and saw him leaning on the car with hands in his pockets with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Good night" - I quietly said and quickly entered my house and then immediately closed the door behind.

I walked in my room and walked to my huge window to see if Jason was here, but he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and hugged myself. Then I felt a fabric on my arms and remembered... I didn't give Jason his jacket back. I sighed and changed into something comfy.

Dang, I forgot to text Kyle. I quickly took my phone and sent Kyle a message:

"Hey, K. At home&safe" - I texted and laid on my bed, thinking about Jason McCann and Kyle's words.

Jason's P.O.V:
I drove through the gates of my mansion and parked my car. I entered the house and threw car keys on the kitchen counter and saw a note.

"Mr. McCann, I did everything you asked me to do  in your house, so I left as soon as I was done. Good night, hope you're safe

Sam" - it read

Sam is one of my partners. He's my driver and helper. He can do literally anything I ask him for, so yeah, glad to have him.

I got upstairs in my bedroom and undressed myself, staying only in my underwear. I opened the window to breath in some fresh air and took my phone and saw a few new messages from unknown numbers, well, my past... how to say correctly... one-night stands. I scrunched my face and dared to read them.

I read half of them and rolled my eyes. I deleted all of the messages and blocked the numbers, from which these messages were sent.

I locked my phone and sighed. Uh, what do I do with my life? I'm tired of those girls that always throw themselves at me and want only one thing from me.

"Jason, what's up with you lately?" - I thought.
I've always liked to be irresponsible, have fun and what now?

"And now you'll have her, if you won't screw up" - my inner voice said

Y/n... - was the last thing I thought of before I dozed off.

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