Chapter 17

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Jason's P.O.V:
I parked my car and went towards the door of my house. The first thing I did was taking a bottle of alcohol and taking a big sip of it. I felt pain. My heart was breaking, bleeding... like somebody took it and ripped it apart. I lost the only girl I've ever loved. I didn't want to do anything else and I couldn't. Because she didn't want me anymore. She was my sun, my air, my heart... she was my everything, she was my world and I screwed up. I broke her heart.

I hated myself, if Damon kept his mouth shut, Y/n would be still mine. Damon.

I decided to visit him and I knew exactly where he was, so I sat in my car and drove straight up to the place.

As I was walking, well, stumbling trough the VIP zone of the club, I felt pure haterage. As soon as I saw his smiley face, evilness took the best of me. I stumbled towards him and harshly turned him around. Damon's smile disappeared and I punched him in his face.

"That's for destroying my life" - I said trough gritted teeth and punched him a few times, before being pulled away by the guys.

"Get the hell off me!" - I screamed and pulled everyone away.

"Jason, what are you doing?" - Khalil yelled, while looking from me to unconscious Damon on the floor.

"Oh" - I paused and threw a punch at Khalil.

"Jason, stop" - I felt somebody turning me around. I saw Alex and brushed past him. I walked towards the bar and ordered a few alcoholic drinks.

"I don't think it's a great idea, Jason" - Alex said, while taking a seat next to me. I just gave him a glare in response.

I took a glass and drank the whole liquid, then did it with the rest of the glasses.

"Jason, stop, that's too much!" - I heard Alex saying something to me, but I didn't care. I wanted to forget about everything, I wanted to forget the pain which I caused...

"Shut up" - I mumbled, not caring about anything.

I drank, drank, drank... Until too much of the alcohol was in me. I was so tired and so freaking drunk... My head was aching and I was too tired to move. Like all the energy left me. I sat at the bar and looked in space. I felt nothing, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to see her. So, I tried to stand up, but almost fell, before Alex helped me.

"Where are you going?"

"I-I want t-to see her" - I stuttered.

"No, that's a bad idea. It's the middle of the night and you're too drunk. Come on, little bro, I'll take you to your house" - I heard Alex.

As soon as Alex sat me in the car, I dozed off right away...

Y/n's P.O.V:
I laid in my bed still thinking about him... It's been 2 weeks since we broke up and I couldn't get used to my 'normal' life. I still went to college and thanks God I haven't seen him yet. But at the same time I was worried about him, what if something happened to him? He hasn't been at college since the day we broke up... I sat up and thought a little. Should I or not?

——————skipping time——————

I parked my car in front of his house and sighed. What am I even doing? He's probably having someone over... It was all a lie, right?

I rang the bell and waited for some time, but no one answered. I rang some more, but still no answer. I decided to twist the door knob and, actually, the door was open. Is he insane? What if someone would broke into his house? Oh, I forgot, he's McCann...

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