Chapter 16

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my side to find an empty space besides me. I rolled over to his side and snuggled up to his pillow. I began to slowly drift away, but then heard voices behind the closed door, which made me open my eyes.

"Yeah, I agree with you" - I heard Jason's voice, which made me smile.

"Alright then, pal." - my dad said and then after a few seconds the door opened revealing the most handsome guy in the world. He smiled and came towards the bed. I hid my face, smiling and felt the bed slightly sinking besides me. I glanced and saw Jason leaning on his arm and gazing down at me with a grin on his face.

"Good morning, princess" - he said in raspy morning voice and moved strands of my hair away from my face.

"Good morning" - I smiled and snuggled up again.

"We discussed so much while you were sleeping" - he chuckled.


"I mean it's about 11 a.m".

"Already?" - my eyes widened, which made him giggle.

"Yeah, sleepy head" - he grinned again and kissed my forehead.

"Get up and let's have breakfast".

"Alright" - I stretched. Jason chuckled and kissed my cheek before exiting the room.

              ——————skipping lunch——————

"Listen guys, you have studies today, I know it was a tough time, but you have enough of skipped lessons. I'm not pressuring you into anything, but it will be awesome if you'll go today" - my dad said. I glanced at Jason, who was looking at my dad with a mouth full of food.

"I think we can go today" - I glanced at Jason, who turned his gaze on me. He just nodded his head in agreement and continued feasting on.


Jason opened the car door for me and I quickly thanked him, before taking his hand. I looked up and saw the whole parking lot looking at us. I blushed and felt him hanging his arm around my shoulders.

We were walking towards the doors of the building and I couldn't help myself, but to say my thoughts out loud:

"Everybody's staring" - I mumbled.

"So, what?" - Jason whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek, which made me smile and blush even more.

As we were walking through the corridors, we saw Jason's friends not far away. Of course, they couldn't keep quiet about the fact that me and Jason are together.

"Damn, it didn't take you long, bro" - Damon said and looked me up and down, which made me move closer to Jason. I didn't like his friends that much.

"Shut up, Salvatore" - Jason sternly said, which made boy's grins turn to scared and confused looks upon their faces.

"What? What about our bet?" - Khalil asked, which caught my attention. A bet?

"I said shut up" - Jason furiously said and moved in front of me.

"Their is no game" - he continued. The guys were listening carefully and this, kind of, scared me.

"Forget about everything" - he spoke up again and then took my hand, leading me away. I looked behind me at the guys, who were still watching us with opened mouths.

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