Chapter 2

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Y/n's P.O.V:
It was already evening and I was at Kyle's house. We were in his living room watching some movie. To be honest, I didn't even know what was it about because I couldn't get one thing out of my mind.

"Hey, K, may I ask you something?" - I looked at Kyle

"Sure, sweet cheeks" - he smiled

"Uh, can you tell me who are those guys from the 'gang'?" - I nervously asked. Kyle's smile faded away and was replaced with a frown. He looked at me and then down.

"Well, they're actual criminals, let's start there" - he murmured lowly.

"Really?" - I asked surprised.

"Yeah, they do awful things behind 'close doors', they murder, they rob and so on" - he said, while looking at the TV screen. I gulped and became nervous.

"Y/n, please... Don't associate with them, I don't want you to get hurt" - Kyle sincerely said and rubbed my hand with sadness in his eyes.

"K, you know I'm not easy-to-get, aren't they interested only in one thing?" - I wondered

"You never know what's inside their minds, sweet cheeks. As I said, they're players and criminals." - he said

"Guess you're right" - I mumbled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Get them out of your mind, Y/n, they ain't worth it." - he whispered in my head

"Mhm" - I agreed

Jason's P.O.V:
Me and the guys were at the club in the VIP section, discussing gang things.

"Hey, McCann, look at those hot chicks" - Khalil pointed at some girls, which were near our table and licked his lips, while undressing them with his eyes.

"Huh? Oh, those... Not bad" - I scanned them. Typical strippers, nothing new.

"Wanna have some fun?" - Khalil smirked at me.

"No, I'm not in the mood today" - I said and leaned on my seat

"Weird to hear that from you" - Khalil chuckled. I gave him a tired look and sighed, while tilting my head back.

"So, Jason... I heard your reputation of the most wanted guy in our college is fading away" - Damon said

"Huh?" - I murmured

"Wanna know why?" - he continued


"Just because you haven't had one girl" - he smirked

"What the f*ck, bro? I've had like all of the popular girls!" - I mumbled with confusion, feeling too tired to fully express my feelings.

"Uh, uh, Jason"- Khalil smirked and licked his lips

"Y/n" - Khalil said

"Who?" - I wondered

"Are you serious?! The most gorgeous girl in our school: pure innocence and sexiness" - Damon licked his lips

"Every man's dream, McCann" - Khalil added

"Damn, I would give a lot to spend at least one night with her" - Alex mumbled and stared in space, probably imagining awful things with her.

"Hell, yeah! Have you seen her body?" - Damon bit his lip

"She's known as... what's her nickname?" - Alex asked and glanced at the guys.

"Miss goodie-two-shoes or something" - Khalil said unsurely

"Do you have a picture of her?" - I asked with huge interest.

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