Chapter 20

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I was getting ready for whatever my classmates were arranging. I sighed, looked at myself in the mirror to check myself out and to do the final touches of my look. I didn't want to dress up that much, but also didn't want to wear jeans... so, that's what I decided to wear:

I liked how I looked and I also did beach waves and neatly styled them

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I liked how I looked and I also did beach waves and neatly styled them.

I didn't want Kyle to drive me... Yes, we still weren't getting along because I felt weird about him and I didn't know why.

Suddenly, Jason creeped into my head and I bit my lip. I smiled slightly at the thought of him and felt my cheeks heat up.

Meanwhile Jason's P.O.V:
I stared at her and licked my lips. She looked absolutely gorgeous. At that moment she was looking at herself in the mirror and checking herself out. I looked at every part of her beautiful body and felt my heartbeat fastening slightly with each second. Then my eyes came back up to her memorizing face and traveled around her features. I couldn't understand how could she be so beautiful and angel-like.

I wanted to fall into her arms and for her to never let me go, I wanted to lovingly kiss her lips and cheeks, to touch her beautiful hair and caress her beautiful skin. I wanted to listen to her heartbeat, for her to caress my hair and just lay with her. To forget myself with her. I knew there wasn't any way back because I knew that I loved her with everything I had...

Then I noticed her smiling and blushing for some reason. I grinned at her cuteness and felt my lips curving into a huge smile. She was the only person on Earth, who made me smile and feel something. She was the one.

I followed Y/n all the way up to the house, where the event was taking place. Just to be sure she was safe. She didn't know if I was coming or not, so I decided just to make sure she'll get safe and surprise her.

She was taking taxi, while I carefully followed behind, making sure they didn't notice me. Then I saw them arriving and stopped one block away. I noticed her getting out of the car and walking towards the yard of the house.

I quickly turned the car off and went out after her.

Y/n's P.O.V:
I took a deep breath and opened the door to the house. Well, I'd say a full mansion... there was lots of people, like LOTS of people. I didn't like such places, but I didn't have a choice. It wasn't a party, but like an official event. There were university teachers and students, so I thought it wouldn't be that bad.

"Hey, Y/n! You look great!" - one of the teachers said to me. I greeted them back and thanked with a smile. I was in a good relationships with teachers and not the classmates...

As I walked future, I heard music playing in the background and people just chilling. "What I was even doing here?" - I thought to myself, but remembered that I needed to show up for my teachers... just simply show up. I quietly sighed and decided to take one of the seats in one of the most peaceful places in the mansion.

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