Chapter 14

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Y/n's P.O.V:
Suddenly we heard shooting sounds from the inside of the building and turned around.

"What's happening?" - I asked and felt how my hands started to shake.

"Sweetie, everything's gonna be alright" - my mom said and pulled me in a quick hug, kissing my forehead.

"Mom, dad?" - I asked as my eyes filled with tears.

"Jason, take her somewhere safe please, we'll make it" - my dad said to Jason and petted his shoulder.

"Of course, sir" - Jason nodded and looked at me.

"Mom, dad..." - I whispered.

"Go, sweetie. Everything's gonna be alright, we've been through almost everything with this crime" - mom said. My parents quickly hugged me and ran in the opposite direction from us.

"Y/n!" - Jason yelled and harshly pulled me into him. I turned around and saw a man laying on the floor with blood. I was in a total shock..

"Come on!" - Jason yelled and pulled me somewhere. After few minutes we came up to some secret door and entered it, then Jason locked it and we went downstairs. I saw a parked car and we both ran towards it and Jason quickly turned on the engine as soon as we sat. My breathing was fast and I couldn't get what was happening. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop crying. I was so worried about my parents and Jason.

"I'm here, angel. Calm down, I'll take you to my house" - he caressed my hand, I just nodded and Jason started to drive.


We finally entered Jason's house and I leaned on the counter in the kitchen. I reached for my phone and texted my parents:

"Hey, are you alright?" - and a deep shaky sigh escaped my lips.

"Come here" - Jason murmured and pulled me in a tight hug.

"Don't you worry, baby. I know they're totally fine" - he said and caressed my cheek.

"Really?" - I asked, sniffing.

"Of course!" - he said and smiled. I sent him a small smile back and sniffed once again.

"Let's go in the bathroom, I'll clean you up" - Jason said and wiped off my tears. I just nodded and he took my hand in his and led us in the bathroom.

"Sit here" - Jason motioned on the sink.

"No, wait. You want to change in something comfortable?" - he asked.

"That would be nice" - I murmured and Jason immediately disappeared. After a few minutes Jason came back in the bathroom and gave me his black long-sleeved shirt. I quickly changed and hung up my dress.

"Ready?" - he asked and I just nodded in response.

He came to me and helped me wash my face with cold water, then we did masks and had some fun time, well, he tried to distract me. After he trashed our used masks, came to me between my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist, while I did the same.

"Do you feel better?" - he asked and moved strands of my hair behind the ear.

"Mhm, you always make everything better" - I whispered and leaned in. I smashed my lips on his and massaged his scalp. He gently caressed my cheek, while giving me slow and soft kisses.

He slowly pulled away and looked at me with adoration in his eyes, "You're so beautiful" - he whispered. I blushed and stood up, I took his hand in mine and led him in the bedroom.

I laid down on my back and deeply sighed with closed eyes. Then I felt the bed sank near me and glanced at my right to notice Jason laying on his side and staring at me. I blushed and turned my head back.

Jason's P.O.V:
I stared at her angel-like face and got lost in her beauty. She looked so beautiful and precious. So precious. I examined every feature of her face and forgot about everything on the whole world. Thanks God I distracted her for a little bit, I didn't want to see her cry. It made my heart break.

Y/n's P.O.V:
I turned to look at him once again and noticed him still staring at me. Like he was in some kind of trance. I blushed and felt his hand gently caressing my cheek. I looked up at him and our eyes met. He had such a beautiful and unique-colored eyes, it was dis hard not to stare in them, especially when I saw love and adoration in his eyes.

Suddenly my phone rang, which made me wake up from my daydreams and quicken my heartbeat. I immediately took it in my hand and answered the call without even looking at the caller ID.

"Mom? Dad?" - I immediately asked.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" - I heard my mom saying.

"Yes. What about you? Everything's alright?" - I asked and felt my eyes glossing.

"We're fine, sweetie" - I heard my dad's voice.

"Thanks God. Where are you now?" - I asked.

"We can't say over the phone".

"Oh, um, then, please, send me the location" - I pleaded.

"Yeah, of course".

"Great, see you soon" - I said and we ended the call.

"What's up?" - Jason asked with worry.

"Thanks God they're fine, we'll meet up tonight." - I said and put my phone on the nightstand near the bed.

"Yeah, thanks God" - Jason sighed and pulled me in a tight hug. I tightly hugged him back and put my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. His hand moved up and down my back in a comforting way, which made me completely relax.

"I'm scared, Jase" - I mumbled after some moments, pulling away. I looked at his face and thought what if something happens to him or my parents?

"I'm here, my angel. You're always safe with me." - he mumbled and pulled me on his lap. I started to overthink again and was on the verge of tears, I tightly hugged him again and hid my face in his neck.

"Angel, look at me" - I slowly pulled away and looked in his beautiful caramel brown orbs.

"Please, stop crying, I can't stand seeing you cry" - he whispered and wiped my sliding tears away. My heart skipped a beat at his words. I tightly hugged him and closed my eyes, enjoying every second of this moment.

"I'm scared of losing you and my parents, Jase"

"Angel, you know you won't lose anyone, please, don't think about those things. I'm here, I'm always gonna be here." - he said and caressed my cheek.

"I love you, Y/n" - he whispered and my eyes widened. Did he...? I was shook for a moment, but I widely smiled and already knew my answer...

"I-I love you, Jason" - I smiled through the tears, which made him also smile and pull me into a tight hug.

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