Chapter 9

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I slowly touched my lips and fresh memories flashed through my mind. His pink plump lips which rolled perfectly right on mine, his mesmerizing scent, his smile, his kisses, his touch. Everything about him hypnotized me... Even thought I was pretty skeptical on Jason's feelings towards me from the right start. Now I was sure that I wanted to give us a try.

I won't give up that easy though. I need more time, I don't want it to be just a fling. I know what kind of guy Jason is, so I need to make sure that he actually likes me. I'm that kind of person, which dislike idea of having just a fling, if I want a relationship, then only serious and committed one.

I laid on my back and deeply sighed. It was Saturday and I didn't have any plans, so I was bored which made it even harder to forget about Jason. Then my phone started beeping and I immediately smiled as soon as I saw 'Kyle' written on the screen.

"Hi" - I happily said

"Hey sweet cheeks, whatcha doing?" - he said

"Uh, actually nothing" - I said and played with my hair

"Well, same" - he said and we both giggled

"Wanna meet up?"

"Yeah, of course. Only if you feeling 100 times better than a few days ago" - I smiled

"I do. Then, I'll pick you up in 40 minutes or smt" - he smiled

"Wait, where we'll go? Should I wear something specific?" - I wondered

"Oh, umm. What about the beach? I bet you haven't been there for quite some time"

"You're right. Okay, see ya then"

"See ya, darling" - he smiled and hanged up

I quickly got up from the bed and went in my closet to find some swimsuits. I decided to wear this and put a shirt and shorts on.

—————skipping time—————

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—————skipping time—————

Kyle pulled over the beach's parking lot and then we got out of the car, walked down the beach closer to the water.

"We got here in the right time" - I said and looked over the beautiful sunset

"Huh?" - Kyle asked, but then looked at the sunset

"Oh, yeah. Perfect time" - he smiled

We bot got undressed and I made a bun, so my hair wouldn't disturb me. Then we put some of the sun cream and were ready to get into water.

"So, wanna get in the water?" - Kyle smiled

"Yeah, let's go" - I smiled back and we walked to the water.

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