Chapter 8

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Jason's P.O.V:
I kissed her and was on cloud nine. I've been wanting to do this for so freaking long. I was in love with her, deeply in love. McCann's becoming a softie now... And the thought that I was her first kiss made everything flutter inside of me. Her lips felt so soft and sweet, but I've noticed that she was surprised by my sudden move. But I had to do this.

Y/n's P.O.V:
"I'll take you home, let's go" - he whispered and moved his hand on the small of my back, leading me towards his car.

"Thanks" - I said and Jason closed my car door. It's better to get home by someone, who I, at least, know.

Then he sat in the car and turned on the engine. The ride was quite, only music was quietly playing on the background. I was in lots of different thoughts. I looked outside my window and slowly touched my lips. If I'd say that I didn't like the kiss, then I'd be an absolute liar, but this was so unexpected... His lips were so soft and the kiss, if you can call it that way, felt so gentle... Suddenly, I've noticed that we pulled over at my house and I slowly exited the car. Jason did the same and stood in front of me.

"So, uh..." - he mumbled and scratched his neck. He almost always was so nervous with me, but I liked that because he's never like this with others.
I bit my lip and looked away, blushing. What's even happening?

"Um, thanks for the ride" - I shyly mumbled.

"No problems" - he sent me a small smile.

I felt like we both didn't want to leave each other at that moment. So, I thought a little and decided to let him in at my house. I was at his a few times, so why won't be at mine at least ones?

     —————skipping time—————

"Tell me something about your family" - Jason said and leaned on his elbow. We were comfortably sitting on the sofa and talking about different things.

"Well, we're not really close. Sadly, I rarely see them in real life because they're business people, you know, but I love them of course" - I looked down at my fingers. I felt sad as I was thinking about my family. Or should I say about how little time we spent together.

"Yeah, I see. What about brothers and sisters?" - he asked with interest.

"I don't have any" - I shrugged my shoulders and looked down.

"What about your family?" - I asked and intently watched Jason.

"Uh, I have an older brother, well, you already know it" - he said and noticed a sudden change in his face.

"And what about parents?"

"They abounded us when I was like 7 or something, I don't really remember anything about that"

"Oh, I'm so sorry" - I sadly said and placed my hand on top of his in a comforting way without even realizing it.

"Everything's fine" - he chuckled and looked at our hands, slowly caressing my skin.

"So, there's only you and your brother?" - I asked.

"Yes" - he looked up at me and moved a strand of my hair behind my ear, which made my breath hitch.

"Do you live together?" - I shyly asked.

"No, separately" - he said still staring at me.

My mouth parted and I saw him looking from my eyes to my lips. I felt my heartbeat fastening and my cheeks redding up. Why did he made me feel some kind of way? Then he slowly moved his hand towards my cheek and caressed it, while moving closer to me. I looked at his soft lips, longing to feel them on mine and noticed how the space between our lips became smaller. Our lips were touching and, I swear, I already heard my heartbeat. I froze on the spot and felt him gently kissing my lips, but then we heard my phone ringing. I slowly broke the kiss, blushing, while Jason shyly stayed on the same place and slightly licked his lips. What, shyly??

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