Chapter 18

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Jason's P.O.V:
I took another sip of my cognac, while I was looking through the photos of her. And guess who she's been hanging out with for the past few days? Yes, Kyle.

I couldn't see her with any other man besides me. She's mine. Only mine and no one else's. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to make her trust me again. Even though I, practically, didn't lie to her. But fact is still here... she's not here with me.

I took another big sip and put the glass on the table in front of me. My hands moved on my face and I squeezed my eyes shut. I was lost. I didn't understand anything. Like I didn't have any purpose anymore.

She didn't want me anymore. She didn't trust me and she'll never trust me ever again. I tried to stand up, but miserably failed because I fell on the sofa right away. I didn't know how much did I drink, in fact I didn't care.

After making a few steps, I accidentally slipped and fell on my back. I loudly groaned and looked at my right to see pieces of broken glass embedded in my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain. I tried to get up, which was almost impossible due to how lifeless and tired I was.

I slowly went in the nearest bathroom, trying not to doze off right away, and leaned on the sink, recalling where was everything I needed to threat myself.

Not long after I found everything I needed and started taking care of myself. I winced, while I was taking the glass out of my skin. It hurt like hell.

A memory hit me right away: she gently treated my wound, while I kept on wincing. Our eyes met and I tried to hide hurt. I didn't want her to see me being weak.

"Is it that bad?" - she asked with concern.

"Don't think about it. You're treating me, so it gets better with every second" - I chuckled. She smiled and carried on the work.

I stared at her beautiful features and couldn't get my gaze off her. She was so precious. Like an angel. My angel.

When she was about to finish, I guess she felt my gaze on her, so she looked at me and our eyes met.

"Is something wrong?" - she softly asked, while her cheeks heated up slightly.

"Uh, no..." - I uttered and quickly looked away. I glanced at her a few seconds later and saw her blushing even more, while she was taking the rubbish and throwing it in the trash which was right below the sink.

Suddenly I heard my intercom calling. I cursed under my breath and tried to quicken my actions because the person, who came seemed very impatient.

I wrapped bandage around my arm, fixing it and
walked towards the door as fast as I could. Stumbled, to be correct. I wasn't in a great state to meet anybody at that very moment. I mean, I was drunk as hell.

I looked at the intercom's screen and cursed under my breath once again, when I saw that it was Y/n's father. Damn it. He wants to beat me up? Could he, at least, come later, when I wasn't as drunk as I was right then.

I sighed and decided to answer him.


"Jason, I came to talk to you" - he said. I badly didn't want to see him at that moment, but I started to feel bad. He's such a great man and I couldn't ignore or disrespect Y/n's father like that. So, I let him in and cursed under my breath for the hundred time because I was topless and there was broken glass on the floor.

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