Chapter 19

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Jason's P.O.V:
I looked at myself in the mirror and got slightly horrified by the reflection... I looked so skinny, I had dark circles under my eyes, I was absolutely unkempt... No. This can't continue. I'll make her want me back.

Y/N's P.O.V:
I looked at my phone to check if I've gotten any new messages... but no. I fell on my back and deeply sighed. Where's he? Where did he disappear?

"Dad, what did you say to him?" - I asked my dad.

"We just talked and I gave him some advice" - he shrugged, while taking a quick glance at me.

"Why are you asking?" - he rose his eyebrow at me.

"Jason just disappeared, I haven't seen him for two weeks now and I'm hoping that he's not drinking" - I hugged myself.

"Just give him some time" - he advised.

"Okay" - I sighed.

Another two weeks have passed and I was going crazy. It's been a month. A MONTH, since I've seen Jason. I was praying for us, for everything to be alright, for him to be alive. I was really worried, but tried to keep calm and trust Jason. I gave him the time he needed for the both of us, but it became harder and harder for me. I missed him. So freaking much. But he actually had to have some time for himself to figure everything out, maybe to think about my words.

Today was another study day and I was getting ready. I finished doing my hair and did the final touches on my look. I sighed and walked downstairs. Today I was alone, so I turned the lights off and left the house. As I walked out of the territory, I noticed a black Ferrari parked near. My heart skipped a beat. No, it can't be him.

I slowly made my way, but not towards the car. I felt so freaking nervous.

"Y/n" - I heard his voice, which made everything flutter inside of me. I stopped breathing for a second and slowly turned around to look at him.

"Jason" - I whispered as soon as I saw him. I made my way to him and he walked towards me. I tightly hugged him and put my head in his neck,  breathed in his scent and felt my eyes tearing up. His arms tightly wrapped around me and I felt his palms slowly, gently moving up and down my back.

"Hey, angel" - I heard him whisper. My heart skipped a beat and I shut my eyes and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. We stood like that for some moments, but then Jason slowly pulled away, which made me pull away, and I quickly wiped the tears away from my face.

"Hey" - I felt his palms covering my cheeks. He wiped the sliding tears away and looked straight into my eyes. I missed him so freaking much. It hurt like hell. It felt like he wasn't real.

"Please, don't cry." - he said. I looked up and sniffed, I couldn't help but smile.

"Um, sorry, I just-"

"I know" - he smiled down at me.

"Let me drive you to college?"

"Uh, yes, of course." - I said without thinking and we both smiled at each other. We both were happy as hell.

Jason led me towards his car, with his hand on my back and opened the door for me. I said "thank you" and fastened my seatbelt. Jason jogged to the other side of the car and quickly got in.

The drive was peaceful and I still couldn't believe that I was with him at that moment. The smell of his mind-loosing scent, his presence, his voice, his smile, his touch. I missed everything about him. At that moment I realized that there's no way back.

"Hey" - my thoughts got interrupted by his raspy voice.

"Hm" - I looked at him.

"You look deep in thoughts" - he glanced at me with his beautiful eyes.

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