Chapter 7

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Y/n's P.O.V:
"Miss Johnson and Mr Morris - you got D. Lots of mistakes, guys. What were you doing while I was explaining everything?" - the teacher said and looked at the both of them. I was nervous because this project really mattered to me and my final grade. I was playing with my fingers and waiting for my name to be called.

"Hey, everything's alright. We'll get A's, trust me" - Jason warmly smiled at me and touched my hand.

"You think?" - I asked and glanced at him.

"Of course, we spent so much time on it." - he uttered.

"Miss Y/L/N and Mr McCann... Well... I'm surprised." - I felt a lamp in my throat. I always did this kind of works on B and rarely C. Did we actually get an F?

"You're the only pair, which did everything perfectly right, guys, you got A" - the teacher looked at us and smiled, then the bell rang and everybody exited the classroom.

"See, like I said" - Jason happily smiled and we both exited the class. I slowly looked at him and then squealed, while tightly hugging his body. Jason giggled and gently wrapped his strong muscular arms around my body.

"Thank you, Jason" - I pulled away and smiled at him.

"No problems, princess" - he said and moved a strand of my hair behind my ear. I froze and locked eyes with him.

"Wanna celebrate?" - Jason asked and continued to smile at me.

"Uh... why not?" - I said, while coming back to reality.

"Hey, McCann" - we both turned heads and saw one of the school's popular jocks walking in our direction.

"We're having a party tonight. Hoping for you to come, what a party without McCann, aye?" - he said and eyed me.

"Cool. Y/n, let's go. It's the perfect opportunity to celebrate our small victory" - Jason smiled. I heard "woos" behind the guy and saw them smirking. I noticed Jason glaring at them for some reason.

"If I stand next to a girl, that doesn't mean we're dating or anything of that sort" - Jason uttered and clenched his jaw. Wow, interesting.

"Are you actually just hanging with her?" - he quietly asked Jason in disbelief like it was such a strange thing. Nowadays people are too spoiled and disgusting. Gladly, I wasn't like them.

"We worked on the project together" - Jason answered. The guy looked from me to Jason, still confused and a little scared.

"Um, alright, but you're still invited " - the guy quickly added and walked away. Jason just stayed quiet and put his arm around my shoulder, leading me away from this guy. I looked at his arm and then noticed everyone's eyes on us.

"So, wanna go?" - Jason leaned down, closer to me.

"I'm reminding you that I'll be there with you" - he said, which made me blush.

"Promise?" - I asked and looked into his eyes, which already stared into mine.

"Promise" - he sent me a small smile and I did the same.

"Fine" - I sighed, which made Jason giggle.

"Perfect, I'll pick you up tonight" - he grinned and walked away.

—————at the party—————

We walked to the bar and and the barmen approached us.

"Good evening, what can I get you?"

"One non-alcoholic mojito, please" - I kindly asked.

"Bring us two, please" - Jason said and glanced at me.

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