Chapter 11

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Jason's P.O.V:
I was quickly walking towards the exit of the club, where me and the guys decided to meet up. I was groaning, while dialing Y/n's number and running away from 2 drunk girls, which begged me to "spend some time with them". They couldn't leave me alone, guys just laughed it off and didn't bother with me, so I got annoyed and decided to leave this shitty place.

"Hey, angel. Hopefully, you're not sleeping, I just wanted to say that I'm coming over" - I said and moved girls's hands away from me at the same time.

"What? It's the middle of the night. What happened?" - she sleepily and cutely asked, which made me chuckle

"Please, I really want to see ya" - I said finally exiting the club.

"Alright" - she sighed.

"Perfect, I'll be there in 20" - I smiled

"Okay, see ya" - she yawned

"See ya, baby girl" - I smiled and hanged up.


Y/n's P.O.V:
I yawned for the thousand time, while waiting for Jason and stretched. Why would he want to see me in the middle of the night?

Then I heard the bell ring and came up to the door. I was met with Jason in a really attractive suit and top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. Jason unexpectedly entered the house and closed the door behind him, walking in my direction.

"I missed you so much" - he whispered and pulled me in a tight tug.

"Couldn't you wait a few more hours?" - I giggled and hugged him back, breathing in his scent.

"Nah" - I felt him smiling.


Jason laid on my bed and a tired moan escaped his lips, which made me giggle.

"I'm so freaking tired" - he quietly mumbled and closed his eyes

"Why are you up that late?" - I asked and sat near him

"We were at the club, having a meeting which awfully ended" - he said in annoyance

"Oh, um, what happened?" - I asked unsure. Club. Already hurt my ears.

"Some females couldn't keep their hands to themselves" - he murmured and I could feel jealously building inside of me. Also, slight disgust...

"Hey, that's why I left as fast as I could and came to you" - he smiled and opened his eyes to look at me.

"Come here" - he pulled me down on his chest.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" - he whispered

"Yes, I guess" - I sighed

"Sweetheart, don't be jealous, I have eyes only on you" - he quietly said and snuggled up to me.

"Who said I am?" - I murmured. Jason just chuckled in response and then turned around to look out the window which was behind us

"Isn't it beautiful?" - he asked. I got on my tummy and looked out the window as well. The moon was shining and its light fell on both of us.

"Yeah" - I whispered. I felt him moving a strand of my hair behind my ear and I looked at him. His eyes pierced into mine and I stared at him. Why is he so good-looking? I could get lost in his beautiful caramel-brown orbs.

"You're so beautiful" - he whispered, which made me blush and look down. I slowly looked up at him and saw him quietly staring at me with a slight smile.

Then we heard the door on the first floor opening and we snapped our heads at the door.

"You didn't say your parents coming home tonight?" - Jason whispered

"I didn't expect them to come tonight" - I panicked and looked at Jason. It wasn't the right thing to let them see him right now, they won't understand it the right way.

"Hide in my wardrobe, come on" - I stood up and opened the door for him, he quickly hid. I quickly got under the covers and pretended to read a book. Then I heard my door opening and saw both of my parents in the doorway.

"Hi, sweetie" - my mom smiled and came towards me, placing a soft kiss on my head

"Hi, I didn't expect you to come tonight" - I honestly said and looked at both of them

"We didn't expect to come back tonight, too" - my dad smiled and hugged me

"I missed you" - I pouted

"We missed you too, sweetie" - they both smiled

"But I have a question: why are you up that late?" - my dad suspiciously asked

"Oh, just couldn't sleep and wanted to read this book" - I pointed on the book which was in my hands.

"Oh, okay. But you better get some sleep dear, we're planning on hanging out tomorrow's night" - mom said and caressed my hair.

"Oh, great! Alright,I'll go to sleep then." - I smiled and got excited. Finally I can spend some time with my parents.

"Good, we'll go to sleep now as well, good night, sweetie" - my dad said and they both pecked my cheeks, which made me giggle

"Love you" - they said, while closing the door behind them

"Love you, too" - I happily sighed and heard the wardrobe's door opening. At first I got scared, but then remembered that Jason hid there.

"Your wardrobe is a really comfortable place to hide, I may say" - he chuckled and came up to me, standing a few meters away from me.

"Oh, uh, really?" - I looked at his shoulders and them back into his beautiful eyes. He smiled and moved strands of my hair behind the ear. My heartbeat fastened and I stood still staring at him.

"Listen, maybe we'll go to the beach?" - he wondered.

"Like now?" - I asked surprised

"Mhm, I mean, last time was kinda ruined" - he uttered, warmly smiling down at me.


I ran towards the water while pulling the clothes off me on the sand. Finally I entered it and plunged into the water. Then I emerged and saw Jason in trunks with exposed upper body, I bit my lip and turned around to look at the moon. Then I felt his presence behind and how he slowly moved my hair away from the neck. His arm gently wrapped around my exposed waist, while I put mine on top of his.

"You're so beautiful" - he whispered in my neck

"You've already said that today" - I whispered and turned around

"And I'll say it more, I canno't not to say the truth, especially to you" - he had a small happy smile upon his face, while eyeing my face.

"You're very handsome" - I whispered only for him to hear.

"Glad to hear it from you, beautiful" - he whispered smiling and gently cupped my chin.

"Listen, I really want to spend time with you, but to my mind it's should be official, so, can you do me a honor and be mine?" - he asked me and deeply looked into my eyes. You know, for the past few weeks we actually got closer. I'm in love with him, too, now. I badly want us to be together, to explore this life together with him. Maybe I should give him a chance?

"You won't give up, yeah?" - I murmured

"No" - he whispered and moved strands of my hair behind my back.

"Promise me one thing?" - I asked after a small pause.

"Whatever you want" - he said without a second thought.

"Promise to never lie to me, please?" - I stared into his eyes.

"I promise, Y/n" - he quietly said. I sent him a smile and looked at his lips. Jason's eyes lit up and he raised me, which made me wrap my legs around his thighs and arms around his neck. Jason passionately smashed his lips on mine and I played with the ends of his hair and we both smiled into the kiss. Jason McCann is my first ever boyfriend, let's see where it'll take me...

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