Chapter 12

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I broke the kiss and eyed Jason's face. Then we heard a few cars pulling over and shot our heads in shore's direction. I pulled away from Jason and he intertwined our fingers.

"Dreamt of doing it" - he whispered smiling and looked at our hands. I smiled back, blushing, and then looked at the shore again.

"Jase, maybe we should get out of here" - I said as soon as I saw 3 guys walking across the beach. I looked at Jason and he was looking at them as well, while clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Alright. Just hold on to me." - he sternly said without looking away and tightening his grip.

"Okay" - I said and we started walking out of the water. As we were coming closer to the shore, we clearly heard their laughter and it was clear that they were drunk.

"G-guess what, we're not alone here" - one of them noticed us. My heartbeat sped up as I saw how that guy hungrily looked all over my body. I was disgusted and scared.

"Jake, just look at this hot piece of meat" - the other one said and histerically laughed. I got behind Jason and tightly held on to him. His grip was getting tighter with every second, which slightly scared me .

"Are you blind or am I invisible?" - Jason lowly asked.

"Get away from here, little guy" - one of them said and others just laughed. Jason's other hand slowly clenched in fist and he tried to control himself.

"Let us take our belongings and get out of here, and you will be able to do whatever you want without any strength" - Jason continued in low and calm voice.

"Uh, uh, uh. What are you going to do, If we won't? Call the police?" - the fist guy came up to him.

"I don't think you want to know" - Jason angrily chuckled. The guy just laughed and threw a punch at Jason's face, but Jason managed to move, so the guy missed. He didn't realized anything and Jason harshly smacked him, which made him stumble back and fall afterwards. Then the other guy ran towards us and slightly hit Jason on the face, but Jason immediately reacted and smacked the guy back, who fell afterwards and whinced. Wow, he's pretty strong. Jason got down and took out of his jeans a gun. I gasped and took a step back.

"You better get the hell out of here" - Jason lowly said. The guys immediately took their belongings and ran towards their cars, stumbling. They finally drove away and Jason came back to me, tightly hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

"Are you alright?" - he whispered in my hair.

"Uh, just a little scared" - I said and tightly hugged him.

"Come on, angel. I'll take you home." - he took our belongings and took my hand in his, leading me towards his car.

"Wear my shirt" - he held his hand out and I took the shirt, putting it on me.

He started the car and I was kinda afraid to stay home without him:

"Jase, can I stay at yours tonight?" - I asked.

"Of course, If you want to" - he glanced at me.

"Thank you" - I touched his arm and a smile appeared on his lips


He pulled near the gates of his house and parked the car. We got out and entered the house. I walked to the kitchen island and sat on top of it.

"Can you give me a glass of water, please?" - I asked and hugged myself

"Here" - Jason said and I took a few sips and gave Jason the glass back.

"Thanks" - I said and he finished the water, placing the glass away. He got in between my legs and pulled me closer to him by my thighs. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and he slowly caressed my hair.

"Are you okay now?" - he quietly said.

"Uh, just a bit shocked after the accident..." - I said and looked around Jason's face.

"Hey, I'm right here, you don't have to be scared of anything anymore" - he lifted my chin. I sent him a small smile and he leaned in for a kiss. Our lips met and my whole body relaxed. We made out for a few minutes and then he kissed my lips one more time before completely pulling away.

"Do you want to sleep?" - he asked

"Um, no..." - I looked at his lips.

"Alright, wanna watch something?"

"Good idea" - I sent him a small smile. He smiled back and kissed my forehead.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, then I put underwear on and his t-shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and proudly smiled at myself.

I went back to Jason and saw him laying in his king-sized bed watching TV. He was laying topless in basketball shorts. I examined every past of his handsome-self, or should I say admired.

"You done checking me out?" - he grinned without looking at me, which made me wake up from my daydreams and blush.

"Nope" - I playfully said and walked to him. He opened his arms and I approached him, wrapping my arm around his torso, laying my head on his chest, while he wrapped his arms around my body and slightly kissed the top of my head.

"My t-shirts look good on you, you know?" - he tiredly chuckled, which made me look at him and Jason slowly pecked my lips and removed some strands of my hair away from my face.

Jason's P.O.V:
"Finally you're happy, McCann" - inner voice said and a happy smile appeared on my lips

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