Chapter 21

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I exited the car and shut the door, while Jason did the same and walked towards me.

"Thanks for driving me" - I moved strands of my hair behind the ear and blushed.

"No problem" - he grinned and kept looking at me.

"And, of course, thank you so much for standing up for me" - I looked up into his eyes, which already stared into mine.

"I will always protect you, from all the costs" - he said and moved strands of my hair behind the ear. I blushed and felt my heartbeat fastening once again. God, what does he do to me?

"And if needed, I'll give up my life in order to save yours" - my eyes widened, while my mouth parted.


"I'm absolutely serious" - he said.

I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think straight at that moment... my hormones were going absolutely crazy. It felt like it was my first love, you know, like the start of it. Pretty strange because we already dated...

"You don't have to say anything, just know this." - how skillfully he read my thoughts... I looked back at him and my eyes traveled from his eyes down to his beautiful heart-shaped lips.

Jason's P.O.V:
She stayed quiet, but I knew all of her thoughts at that very moment. I just wanted her to know that and feel absolutely safe near me. I was absolutely serious with her. She is the only person on this Earth, which is dear to me. She is my everything and I don't want to lose her ever again.

I examined every part of her. She was so beautiful and attractive, not only physically, but her energy, her appearance... everything about her was beautiful. I noticed her looking at my lips and I knew exactly what she wanted. I licked my lips and caressed her cheek gently. I slowly moved closer to her, almost towering her, while she leaned on the car.

I slowly kissed her lips and felt nothing, but pleasure and sudden calmness, like relief washed all over me. Y/n kissed me back, which made me wrap my hands around her waist and gently deepen the kiss. Her hands wrapped around my neck, which made me grin into the kiss.

We kissed for a few moments, until I felt Y/n slowly ending the kiss, which made me kiss her lips a few times before completely pulling away. Then I caressed her cheek and pulled her in a tight hug, moving my hands up and down her back. She tightly hugged me back and wrapped her arms around my body, which made me feel absolutely happy. I smiled and kissed the top of her head gently.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go, Jase" - I heard her pleasant voice. The thought of us parting made me slightly hurt. I know that's absolutely silly, but I wanted to spend every second with her. I missed her too much.

"Of course, angel" - I whispered, smiling. We looked at each other for a few seconds and then she slowly made her way towards the house. My eyes traveled all over her way and I stood still, making sure everything's alright. After Y/n walked towards the door, she stopped walking and slowly turned her head back at me. I continued to stare at her, which made her blush and smile slightly, which made me chuckle in response to her reaction.

When Y/n disappeared from my view, I sat in the car and sat still. I slowly touched my lips and remembered our kisses. I felt my lips curving into a small smile and felt a little shy. God, what does she do to me?

I looked up at her house and found her room with my gaze, where the lights were on. I completely didn't want to leave, something made me want to stay. I looked on the road and couldn't get her off my mind. I love her too much.

Suddenly, I heard the car door open, which caught me off guard and made me look immediately at my side, where I saw Y/n's dad sitting. Wow, he's like a spy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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