Chapter 4

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Y/n's P.O.V:
It was Saturday and I was in the living room, practically doing nothing... Suddenly, I heard my phone beeping and realized someone was calling me. I looked at the caller ID: Kyle✨

"Hey" - I said.

"Hi, sweet cheeks, I thought a little, maybe we'll go at the party tonight? There's nothing interesting to do...".

"Um, but you said you don't like 'the gang'?" - I asked confused.

"Well, I dislike Jason and I'm on good terms with others".

"Um..." - Jason "... fine" - I mumbled and remembered Jason.

"So? Wanna come with me?" - Kyle asked.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Y/n! Don't you want to have some fun?" - Kyle said like a kid in slight annoyance.

"No, I didn't mean what you thought" - he quickly added.

"I've never said I thought that way, Kyle" - I chuckled and remembered Jason saying this sentence. My smile faded away immediately.

"Okay, haha, so? Please, sweet cheeks, let's go" - he pleaded.

"Fiiine" - I annoyedly lingered "What time?" - I sighed.

"The party starts at 8:30 p.m, so gonna pick you up at 7:45".

"Okay, K, see ya".

"Yep, darling" - he chuckled and ended the call.

Okay, hopefully everything will go well...

*skipping time to 7:40 p.m*

So, I decided to wear a beautiful black dress

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So, I decided to wear a beautiful black dress. I did my hair and wore heels, then checked myself out in the mirror. Damn, I did look great. Suddenly, I heard my phone beeping and took it in my hand.

"Hey, sweet cheeks, I'm here ;)" - I read the message and immediately smiled.

"Coming" - I texted back and grabbed Jason's jacket, which I had to give him back, he have to be there tonight.

I quickly ran downstairs, exited the house and locked the door. I walked towards Kyle's car and got in.

"Wow, you look stunning" - Kyle said as soon as he saw me and checked me out.

"Thank you, K. You don't look bad yourself" - I smiled and checked him out. He looked good, well, he always looks good.

 He looked good, well, he always looks good

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