Chapter 6

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I stretched and yawned, then opened my eyes and got lost. Then I remembered... Damn, I'm at Jason McCann's house. I looked around the living room and my gaze fell on huge windows, which opened a breathtaking view on the sunrise. I came closer with blanket wrapped around my body and admired the nature for a while. The window was slightly opened and I could hear how calming it was outside. How the water ran, how the birds were singing - it brought an immediate smile on my face.

"You awake?" - I heard a raspy voice from behind, which made me immediately turn around. I saw Jason and noticed that he was topless. He had toned chest and a very beautiful abs, who am I even kidding? He was absolutely gorgeous.

"Done checking me out?" - he chuckled and our eyes met.

"I wasn't" - I muttered, feeling my cheeks heating up and looked out of the window again.

"Yeah, sure" - I heard him chuckling. Then I felt his presence near me and his scent hit my nostrils, making me feel some extraordinary feeling.

"Beautiful, right?" - he asked and I glanced at him and then looked back at the view.


"But this view and all of the 'previleges' cost absolutely nothing, when you can't share it with anyone" - he chuckled and gazed at me.

"Do you actually can't share it with anybody?" - I rose my eyebrow at him.

"You think I can?" - he chuckled with sarcasm.

"You have plenty people around, no?" - I asked with confusion. Jason just looked at me for a moment and then said:

"Who? I'll tell you a secret: absolutely no one, who I can trust"

"Weird" - I mumbled and looked back at the view.

"If I have people around, that doesn't mean that they're close to me" - Jason said and turned to the view. I looked up at him and several thoughts creeped into my mind. He's deeper than he seems and maybe he's not all bad.

"Alright, I think I should go" - I mumbled and was ready go, but I felt him gently taking my wrist by his palm. I glanced at him and I would lie if I said I didn't like his touch.

"Wait, stay" - he quietly and softly said. I looked at him with confusion and pulled away from his hand.

"For what?" - I asked. Jason was quiet for a moment and I could see that he was searching for an answer.

"What about or project?" - Jason uttered and stared into my eyes. This guy is acting weird...

"We have enough of time for that" - I said with confusion in my voice.

"I need to go home" - I said and started to go towards the bathroom. I heard Jason sigh and a bang, which made me immediately glance over my shoulder. He just leaned on the window with his hands in fists, looking devastated.

I just shrugged it off and continued walking, but his voice made me stop death on my tracks.

"You don't want to stay near me that bad?" - Jason quietly uttered.

"Jason, are you out of your mind? I actually need to go home. Why would I stay at yours?" - he really went out of his mind. Jason stared at me and then he quickly closed his eyes and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry..." - he quietly said and rubbed his eyes. I just stayed quiet and went to the bathroom.

I changed in my clothes and washed my face. Then I rubbed it with a towel and leaned on the counter. I looked at myself in the mirror and got deep in thought. Why did Jason act this way? Something's definitely off.

"Hey, are you alright? You've been in there for quite some time now" - I heard Jason's voice out of nowhere, which made me gasp.

"Uh, yes" - I briefly answered and came out of the bathroom after a few minutes.

"Ready?" - he asked and looked up and down my body, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"For what?" - I asked in confusion once again.

"For getting home, duh" - he said with obviousness and smiled a little.

"Actually, I planned on going by myself" - I mumbled and looked around.

"Oh, really? I didn't know you were that strong and have such stamina" - I looked at him with confusion once again.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure you can travel by foot for a few hours?" - he asked with raised eyebrow. Then it hit me. I absolutely forgot that he lived pretty far from my house.

"Let me drive you home?" - he said

"Okay" - I signed.


We were at Jason's finishing our project, quietly flipping through the book's pages, trying to find the answers.

"Mmay I ask you a question?" - I asked, while looking at him and biting my lip.

"Yeah" - he said and stretched.

"Uh, can you tell me something about yourself?" - I nervously asked.

"I guess you would ask me sooner or later" - he sighed and looked at me with tired eyes. Surprisingly, Jason did work on the project with me by the way.

"Have you heard some gossips about me? Like I'm a criminal..?" - he asked and watched me.

"Uh, yeah" - I unsurely said. Kyle was the one from who I heard about this...

"Well, the gossips aren't fake" - Jason said, still watching me. I couldn't really say anything at that point, I was spending half of my time with a dangerous criminal, who could do awful things to me or with me... What was even more scarier, is that I heard that Jason McCann is the most dangerous and the cleverest gangster in the whole world.

"Are you for real?" - I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, from where else I could get such money?" - he chuckled and looked around the house.

Jason's P.O.V:
"Oh" - she quietly said and looked around my house.

I don't know why, but I feel like she's moving away from me, not physically, but mentally. Well, what can I expect from a normal girl, who found out about my biggest secret...

Y/n's P.O.V:
"Hey" - Jason touched my hand.

"Something's wrong?" - he asked me. I stayed quiet and got lost in thoughts.

"Y/n?" - he softly called my name.

"Huh? Uh, yeah" - I glanced at him.

"Listen, I don't have any bad intentions. Trust me. Knowing myself, If I had any, I already would have had done something" - he said and stared into my eyes.

"Give me a chance to gain your trust" - I looked at him, realizing what he had asked me.

"Why are you doing that?" - I asked

"Because I... I want to try to get to know you"

"Why?" - I asked once again

"Too many 'why's, don't you think?" - he softly smiled.

"Not really" - I looked down and continued to read the pages of the book, which was on my knees.

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