Chapter 10

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Y/n's P.O.V:
I looked at my right and saw Kyle not too far away from us.

"Damn it" - I mumbled and looked back at Jason,  who looked at Kyle with clenched jaw.

Jason stood up, which made me stand up as well. No, please...

"You, piece of shit" - he said through gritted teeth and harshly pushed Jason back. Not even after a few seconds, Kyle raised his hand in fist and smacked Jason in the face, which made him stumble back and curse under his breath. I knew that if I won't come between them, then the finish will be awful.

"Kyle, what the hell are you doing?!" - I exclaimed and stood in front of him, to prevent him from hitting Jason again. Kyle's eyes were red and I could feel how angry he became with every second.

"Please, stop. He didn't hurt me" - I said with eyes full of tears. I couldn't stand seeing Jason hurt for some reason.

"Why the hell your were kissing?!" - Kyle exclaimed and clenched his hand in fist.

"Kyle, calm down, I don't want anybody to get hurt" - I said and felt one tear streaming down my face. Kyle looked at me and his eyes softened. He couldn't stand seeing me cry, but I cried not because of that.

"Get in my car" - Kyle lowly said and looked at Jason, who was behind me.

"Don't hurt him, please, he didn't do anything wrong-" - I whispered.

"NOW" - he exclaimed and and angrily looked at me. My eyes filled with tears and I quickly took my belongings and ran to the car. I stopped a few feet away and looked over at the guys. Kyle was saying something to Jason and looking extremely angry. Hopefully, he wouldn't hurt him more.

I slowly sat in the car and looked at them again. Kyle was walking away now and I could clearly see Jason. He looked furious, but held everything together for me. His beautiful eyes, which were filled with hurt, met mine and a tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm sorry" - he mounted and I shook my head at him.

"I am sorry" - I mouthed back and Kyle sat in the car. I quickly looked away and got nervous. He started the car and quickly drove off. I knew he didn't like Jason, but not THAT much.

"Why did you do that?" - I managed to ask and played with my fingers.

"What?" - he spat.

"Why did you hit him?" - I said louder and looked at him.

"Maybe because he hurt you?" - he spat

"First of all, lower your tone. Second of all, who said he hurt me?" - I loudly asked, which made him look at me.

"Shut up, will you?" - he annoyedly said.

"You didn't hear me, Webber?" - I asked him in a very serious tone. I'd never let anyone talk to me that way. Ever.

He glanced at me and continued to drive. I looked out of the window and quietly sat the whole ride. This was the final straw.

After ~20 minutes we finally arrived at my house.

"Listen, I-" he started

"Don't. Just don't" - I cut him off and got out of the car. As soon as I entered the house, I locked the door to my room and slid down with my face in my hands. I'm so tired from all of these nonsense. I sniffed, got up and walked in the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water and looked in the mirror. Then I walked back in my room and took my phone to text Jason.

"Hey, come over. I need to see you now." - a few seconds after I received a message from him.

"On my way" - my heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw it.

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