1- the new kid uwu

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You p.o.v.

I woke up from my still unfamiliar house to some unfamiliar sounds. Paris was a very busy city with lots of cars passing by, very different from my old country where I could hear the birds chirping as the sun rose. I was still very new to France and living here. After my dad got that job at the Louvre, me and my family moved here. It wasn't hard, I didn't really have any friends to miss or say goodbye to, but I did know I'd miss the views from my old house. From my bedroom window I could see big ancient trees and a river that ran right next to them. It was my favourite place to play my ukelele. But Paris was also lovely so my heart didn't shatter too hard.

First day of school came and I was as nervous as any tourist would be entering a place that doesn't speak their language. I did know french but I was, well, rusty. I walked inside the school and saw some kids arriving and chatting. I wondered if any of them would become my future friend. I proceeded to search for the principal's office. Once I found it, a blonde girl burst the door open while screaming something and running downstairs, walking right past me. I looked inside and the principal just signalled me to sit down.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, I'm the new student"

"Yes, I'm aware. It's a pleasure to meet you. We'll make sure you feel right at home here. The teachers are very nice and the students welcoming. I bet you'll make friends in no time!" He said with a smile on his face, half hidden by his moustache.

"Thank you so much!"

"Now, could you follow me, please?" He asked standing up. I guessed that there was only one correct answer and nodded.

He led me to a room where a teacher was going through some books. He knocked on the door and informed the teacher breathily about me. The teacher smiled and nodded, she seemed nice.

"Hello Y/n, I'll be your teacher this year. This will be your main classroom and you'll meet your classmates once the bell rings, okay?"

I nodded. She smiled and pulled me inside the classroom as the principal left without looking back. I gulped with anxiety. Meeting new people was scary and being the new kid was never a good thing. But I had to be positive, who knows how many friends I'd make, how many interesting amazing people would there be. At least that's what my mom hammered into my brain before I left my house that morning.

The bell rang and I clenched my fist. Students started entering the classroom and sitting down. Once everyone was inside, the teacher stood up and pulled me to the center of the class.

"Good morning students, today I have amazing news. Y/n will be part of our class from now on. He moved from (country) and he's counting on everyone of you to make him feel welcomed"

I waved awkwardly looking at the surprised faces.

"You can sit next to Juleka there" she pointed at a girl with long black hair hiding one of her eyes and some purple streaks. I already felt lucky, she looked absolutely amazing and unique. I sat down next to her.

"Hi, I'm Juleka, welcome"

I smiled "Thanks, Y/n" she looked down embarrassed, I assumed she wasn't the talkative type so I stopped making conversation, afraid I'd come off as annoying. I took out my new empty notebooks and wrote what the teacher was writing, and lucky me, I couldn't understand almost any words.

"Ah, hey, Juleka?" I whispered not wanting to catch the teacher's attention.

"Yes?" She said quietly back.

"I'm sorry to annoy like this but, what's that word?" I smiled embarrassed by my stupidity. I couldn't believe that besides being the newbie, I was the newbie who didn't know the language.

"Oh, it's okay. That word means..." She explained the meaning of the word and how to write it. I took the time to notice her big brown eyes, so beautiful yet she hid them behind her hair. She was also very nice when she spoke. She didn't roll her eyes or even ignored me like a lot of other locals had done before.

"Thank you so much, and sorry again for bothering you" I apologized once again, I had that really rare desease that makes you apologize 24/7 for things that aren't even your fault. She understood and nodded to let me know that I didn't have to worry about that. I sighed in relief, I was sitting next to someone nice so school was going great so far.


Class ended and Juleka immediately got up to go talk with a blonde girl in a pink dress. My gay-dar went off but I decided to not show my gay side on the first day, I didn't want to creep out my classmates, or even worse, get bullied right away. Instead I stayed in and got ready to doodle in my notebook. Before I could pick up the pencil, a girl with two ponytails and big blue eyes put her hands on my table.

"HI! Welcome to your school! I hope you have the best time here, I'm Marinette and if you need anything, you can count on me!" She smiled bright and honestly. I could tell she was a caring and loving person. I smiled back with gratitude.

Behind her was a girl with glasses and wavy hair. She gave me a smirk.

"So, new kid, you draw?"

I panicked and closed my notebook. Then looked back at her rubbing my hands nervously. "No, not really, just doodles when I'm bored..."

She raised an eyebrow. The girl Marinette sighed. "Alya, it's his first day, go easy on him"

The wavy-haired girl laughed back to her friend's comment. "Hey, relax. I just want to get know our new friend!" She looked at me and stood out her hand. "I'm Alya by the way, nice to meet you!" I shook her hand and smiled back.

"Y/n, nice to meet you too"

She grabbed her phone and opened a page online. It was like a superhero fan page, I didn't understand what it was so I just looked at her confused.

"This is my page online, the ladyblog! You see, I'm the famous creator of the Ladyblog!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Ladyblog?"

She gasped. "Oh my god. You don't know my ladyblog?!"
The girl next to her sighed. "She's never going to shut up now". I gulped.

"So. This is my blog about ladybug and chat noir! I film their battles and...." She went on and on about everything and nothing. I didn't understand half of it, who ladybug was or chat noir? But I smiled and nodded, afraid that she would notice my confusion. Before she could finish, one tall guy with a cap patted her shoulder.

"Hey, getting worked up about ladybug again?" He teased her. His smile didn't lie, he liked her, and by the way she rolled her eyes and smiled back, she liked him too. I wondered if they were dating. Behind them appeared a beautiful blonde boy with bright green eyes. I felt like I had seen him somewhere but I couldn't remember quite exactly where.

"Hi, Y/n right? I'm Adrien and this is Nino." He pointed to the boy with the cap who just smiled while putting his arm around Alya's shoulders. Yup, definitely dating.

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