15- a present? for me? uwu

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Days passed. Weeks passed. It all went by flying. Every Friday marked another week gone in the blink of an eye. And of course, it was a great way to end the week, with a nice class with Luka and me, just chilling and playing our musics, just us...

Needless to say, my crush on him wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it was growing stronger and bigger each day that passed, each time I saw his sweet smile and his shiny eyes. Each time he spoke and how the way he spoke was so unique, so meaningful and careful. I was yet to find any flaws in him... Well, besides maybe the fact that he was oblivious to my obvious red cheeks around him, and also perhaps the way he gave way too much of himself to everyone around him. He was bound to get hurt one day and I did not want that day to come anytime soon. I'd made a promise with myself that I'd be there for him once that happened.

It also became normal to stop our class fifteen minutes earlier to jam a bit and share our melodies with each other. For the last days I had been helping him with his mystery tune that meant so much for him. It was a privelege to hear him play so well, he was so skilled it amazed me he wasn't touring around the world and making billions every second.

Somehow, I was almost done learning the basics in the guitar, and for the occasion he asked me to meet up with him in front of the Eiffel tower. The Eiffel tower... Was he going to propose to me or something?! Why that romantic place of all places possible?! I seriously considered if he was toying with me this whole time.

But just as he asked, I did. On a Saturday afternoon, I got all ready with my plain black t-shirt tucked in my light baggy jeans and some old colourful sneakers I had lying around. I looked myself in the mirror before heading out.

"Hmmm... Maybe I should..."

I cuffed the end of my jeans and looked again.

"Is it too obvious?" I stared at my reflection. "Ah! I don't have time for this! I have to go!"

I closed the door not looking back and walked away. It was too late to regret whatever it was. I opened Google maps and carefully headed to the meeting place. It was a Saturday and it was the Eiffel tower, so it was no surprise that it was filled with a bunch of couples kissing and flirting. A little part of my brain was telling me to confess that exact day, but I was going to find out his intentions before jumping to conclusions. Though, the ambience sure was right for a love confession.

I stood still at the entrance, waiting for my date to arrive. Soon enough I felt a hand on my head. I turned around and it was him, smiling down to me with his usual adorable face.

"Hey Y/n"

"Hi" I smiled back. I struggled to say much more, I was afraid to ruin the mood by saying the wrong thing.

"I hope it wasn't too much work getting here. The traffic is terrible on Saturdays"

"Oh it's fine, I walked" I hurried to reply. He was a bit surprised by the way I was talking but he chose to ignore it.

"Well, I know of a place near here that has a great view and is usually deserted. I thought it would be great for our session" He pointed towards a small street that looked pretty spooky.

"Right, lead the way then" I chuckled awkwardly. I guess the Eiffel tower romantic date idea was just my head playing tricks with me.

I followed him through the crowd of couples and then through the empty streets. After some solid 15 minutes we reached a parking lot that was almost abandoned. There was a really old vintage car with rusty doors and broken windows parked in a corner. The stone on the ground was broken with little greens growing through the breaches. There was an area with stone benches that had a view to the Eiffel tower and the whole plaza near it. We had gone up more than I thought, we were really high up and it was beautiful. The were old trees that served as shade from the sun and ambience noise as their leaves went back and forth, rustling in the wind.

He sat in the stone benches and waited for me to join him and so I did. For a moment we didn't speak, we just enjoyed the view.

"So..." Luka spoke softly. I looked at him expectantly. "Wait just a bit"

He chuckled and turned around to grab something from his pocket. For moments I wondered if a small black box would come out with a ring inside.

"Here, it's my graduation gift" He held his hand open to me with a small pick inside. It was a black pick with a small design of a tree with highlights in light blue. I looked at it more carefully. It was a weeping willow.

"Luka... This is so sweet..." I held it in both my hands with care, looking at it like it was the most precious thing ever. The pick itself was a great gift to get, but the detail in the tree just made me smile uncontrollably. Knowing that he remembered even small details from what I told him, like that damned tree that made my childhood. I felt his eyes on him but I couldn't bare to look away from the little token of appreciation he had given me.

"I'm guessing you liked it then"

"I did! I love it so much!!" I jumped in my place to look at him. Words weren't enough to explain my feelings.

"Try it, see how it feels!" He hurried to say pointing at my guitar case. I opened it right away and took out my guitar. For moments I didn't move, making him confused. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared of scratching it" I answered quietly. He laughed loudly.

"Y/n, part of the fun of having a pick is watching it change the more you play." His words sounded so right, I questioned if it was common knowledge to feel that way about picks. I had never heard of that but I was willing to trust him on about everything.

"Well, here I go then" I breathed in and started playing.

For a long while, there was just music between us. Music and sometimes a few chirps from birds nearby. The more I strummed the guitar, the more I felt relaxed. I looked to Luka next to me as he sat with his eyes closed and a calm smile. The gentle wind hit his face and pushed his slightly long bangs to the side.

When I finished my song I stared at his hand that was resting on the bench, in the space between us. I gulped hard, I could barely think when all I heard in my head was "HOLD HIS HAND!". My heart was beating so fast I was afraid he would hear it. On an impulse I just said his name.


He opened his eyes right away and turned his head to face me, his expression with a tint of worry. He didn't answer, he just waited for me to continue.

"I... Well, huh, I actually..."

His eyes pierced through me. The words struggled to come out, a big reason for it being my head that played all the possible rejection scenarios that could happen in the next moments.

"-I finished my song! The one I showed you last week!" My voice was breaking left and right as that awful lie left my mouth.

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