10- vibin

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"Of course!" He looked at me excitedly.

I took out my ukelele from it's little bag and adjusted it to my body. I strummed it a few times to make sure it was tuned. Then I played with it a bit, trying to hit a familiar combination of chords that would remind me of any song I knew.

"I know how to play some classics, some cartoon songs..."

"Do you have any originals?"

"Well..." I cringed for a bit. Maybe it was my low self-esteem but I didn't particularly think I was a gifted child with amazing song writing skills. I had some things I'd made up but I wouldn't call them songs, more like little melodies left unfinished. "I have a few, but most of them are really simple"

"I won't mind" He just stared at me patiently.

I sighed a bit nervous and started playing a calm melody. It was a really old one, probably the oldest and also my favourite. It was simple but it made sense. It wasn't deep neither it was too childish, it was just a perfect in-between that described my most innocent and pure self. I remembered the last time I had played it. It was in my old house, under the biggest weeping willow while my sister played with her friends down on the river's shore. At the time, I had nothing to worry about except maybe some homework. My mind was full of innocence and blissful happiness, and it translated into the melody. At least, that's what I thought, but of course everyone feels music differently.

When I stopped I looked up at Luka. He was with his eyes closed and his head tilting up, feeling the breeze. When he noticed I stop, he breathed in calmly smiled.

"It's you"

"What?" I asked a bit confused.

"The music. It's you. It couldn't have been written by anyone else. It's uniquely yours and even if someone else tried to play it, it would never sound the same." His honest words touched my heart.

"Thanks..." I smiled a bit embarrassed. "But, do you like it?" I looked to him embarrassed, hoping that the question wouldn't be too obvious.

"Yes" He chuckled. "I really do"

I smiled while blushing. He wasn't telling me that he liked me or anything, but he did like my music which kinda represented me so, in a way, that was progress.

"Do you know any others?"

"Oh yeah, but they're not as personal as that one" I held my ukelele ready for more.

"That's fine, I like to hear you play."

I continued. As the sounds left my small wooden ukelele, the time passed and the sun started setting. In between songs we would chat and sometimes he'd show me new chords. And somehow, we ended up being the last ones to leave. When the street lights turned on, there was only Juleka and Rose left with us. Juleka came behind us quietly, not wanting to interrupt our conversation.

"I-I'm sorry but, Luka, we should be going home now." She looked worried to her brother. He took out his phone and looked at the time. He gasped. I took out my phone too. It was almost dinner time and we didn't even notice. Time escaped our grip while we distracted ourselves with musical nothings.

"Juleka, can I eat at your place today?" Rose popped up from behind her, putting her arms around her waist and letting her head fall in her right shoulder. The shy girl looked to side embarrassed and just nodded.

'They're so cute' I thought.

"You can join us too if you'd like" Luka looked to me.

"Thanks but my mom wouldn't let me. She still doesn't trust this city"

"Can't blame her" He shrugged defeated.

"That's a pity..." Rose looked down. "But you can walk with us at least"

"I'm going the other way actually..." I smiled awkwardly. Damn my parents for choosing an apartment so far from everyone else.

"We'll see you tomorrow then" Juleka smiled.

"Bye bye Y/n!" Rose waved her little hand around excitedly.

"Til next week dude" Luka's calming tone made me wish it was next week already.

"Bye guys, thanks for today" I looked at them all and smiled before we all turned around and walked home.

I could already imagine my mom's face when I got home, red and full, complaining that it was too dangerous for a little kid like me to be out so late. Not only that but she would find a way to blame my generation for being so reckless, maybe even throw a "in my time" story.

Thankfully, the walk home was still going to be a while. Unfortunately, it was getting colder and I was only wearing a t-shirt and some baggy jeans. I stuck my hands in my pockets and distracted my mind from the cold.

And what better way to get distracted but to think of Luka. His dreamy eyes and perfect lips. The way he looked at someone's soul and not body. His gentle words were enough to bring me to a state of peace. And each and every smile he gave me, they were all engraved in my memory. His sweet sweet smile.

Oh his everything was perfect. Maybe not 'greek statue' perfect, but for sure there was harmony and balance in his being. I wanted to get to know him more and more. I wanted to know him better than anyone else. Know his deepest whishes and ambitions, his dirtiest secrets and his proudest accomplishments. The reason why he had such interest for everyone and their words. How he was able to care so much for everyone and still manage to make you feel unique and important. I was beyond confused but curious about him.

The things he said to me followed me everywhere throughout the days.

"You seem like a person that creates magnific things"

How dare he give me such hope. How dare he be so damn respectful and hot. How dare he...

At this rate it would be impossible to hold my feelings inside much longer. Who knows when I'd just explode one day with his kind comments and just scream to his face "I LIKE YOU!". It pained me to imagine a confession, because I knew the answer would be a disappointing one. A Marinette-type-of-disappointment one.

And for more obvious that his love for her was, I still had hope that he would like me back. I still felt in my heart that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so unbelievable that he liked me back. 

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