6- bruh moment

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Next week came and, as we agreed, I brought my ukelele. As I walked down the street I imagined their reactions to me playing. Good ones, I hoped. I kept Luka's words in mind to motivate me and it surprisingly worked.
When I arrived they all said hi until Ivan noticed the ukelele bag I was holding.

"Wow, what's that?" He looked at it. Everyone followed his gaze to look at it too. I heard a few gasps and smiled embarrassed. I looked up to see Luka, who was just smiling while looking at me with a proud expression.

"So you do play! What is that? Is that an ukelele?" Rose jumped with excitement. Juleka laughed and grounded her to the floor.

"You have to play something for us, you know you just gotta" Nino smirked looking at me.

"I will but no judging. I'm not a pro like those guys" I looked at the band. They rolled their eyes jokingly.

"Oh shut up, I bet you're amazing" Alya rolled her eyes too and smiled.

"Yeah! We're all cheering for you!" Marinette added smiling brightly.

We talked a bit longer and decided that I'd play after the Kitty Section rehearsal. The band members went to the usual places and started playing. Their passionate energy never ceased to amaze me. Once they were done we all clapped and Juleka went to get some drinks for everyone along with Luka and Marinette. It was a particularly hot day so they had some lemonade prepared. I was waiting and chatting with Rose but after a while we all started getting worried. Me, Rose and Alya decided to go check on the others, afraid that the fridge ate them or something.

We entered the kitchen and were met with Marinette on the floor full of lemonade on her clothes, Juleka scrubbing the wet floor with an old mop and Luka taking off his jacket to put it around Marinette.

"What the hell happened here?!" Alya asked giving words to me and Rose's confusion.

"Well ahah..." Marinette laughed embarrassed.

"She tripped and then..." Juleka was explaining but understood that it was pretty obvious to see what had happened.

"Marinette, I swear to god you are the clumsiest girl I've ever met" Alya helped her up and started cleaning her clothes with a napkin from the counter.

"I'll help clean" I declared grabbing another mop from the corner of the kitchen. Rose did the same and started cleaning the floor with me and Juleka. Meanwhile, Alya, Marinette and Luka started talking.

"Look at you! You have to change clothes or you'll catch a cold!" Alya went full on mom-mode desperately rubbing the napkin up and down with no success. Marinette turned bright red.

"What?! I don't need to change anything! This will dry in a bit, have you seen how hot it is?!" She laughed bright red not wanting to imagine changing around so many people.

Juleka jumped in the conversation. "I could lend you some clothes"

"See! Thank you Juleka" Alya gave her a nod of approval while Marinette desperately tried convincing her otherwise.

"It's okay really! And even if I wanted to, Juleka dresses a much smaller size than me so it wouldn't fit."

"How about I lend you mine?" Luka said leaving us all quiet. Rose giggled.

"W-what?" Marinette looked to him confused. He just looked down to her with a smile that was different from any other he had given to anyone. He tilted his head and smiled. I felt my heart cry a little.

"Yeah! Exactly! Luka will lend you his clothes, now go! Go get changed!" Alya pushed both Marinette and Luka into a room which I guessed was Luka's bedroom and shut the door smiling proudly. Then she turned to us and giggled. Rose laughed loudly while Juleka shook her head playfully. I just looked down to the wet floor trying my best to ignore what had happened.

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