13- teach me to love

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I woke up to a text from an unknown number.

"Hey Y/n, it's Luka. Just letting you know that I'm free Friday afternoon if you want to have classes then"

I immediately saved his number, controlling myself to not add multiple hearts after his name. Then I checked my calendar. Friday afternoon was a good time for me, normally I just went home and called it a day, but now I would have the privilege to learn how to play guitar with my crush. I hurried and texted him back.

"I'll see ya Friday afternoon then. Thanks!"

Needless to say that that was the only thing I thought about during the whole week. I watched the clock tick each second, waiting desperately for the time to come. The teacher even caught me looking at my phone's clock during classes. Marc and Nathaniel teased me, saying it was a date. I ignored them but deep inside I could only dream. Dream that one day Luka would look at me the same way he looks at Marinette.

I sighed while Marc and Nathaniel causally flirted. We were friends but sometimes it felt more like I was the candle in their romantic dinner. I envied them, their relationship. It wasn't official because they were too oblivious to it but it didn't seem to bother them. They lived their everyday life caring for each other and for them, it was enough. At least for Nathaniel it was, I noticed that Marc would sometimes stare just a little too much at his "friend's" lips and space out. I couldn't blame him, I found myself lost in thought too just thinking of Luka.

And just like that, it was Friday. I prepared everything before leaving my house. Packed some snacks, an empty notebook for the lessons and some money just in case. I put Lucy in her bag, grabbed my backpack and headed out. I just had to wait for classes to be over and then I'd be alone with Luka.

First class came and I was more impatient than the last days. Sitting next to me, Juleka often glanced at me. At some point she giggled quietly. I looked at her confused but she just turned her head and pretended like nothing happened. I ignored it, too busy thinking of the one thing that was in my mind, the one thing that was almost happening.

After a long day of waiting, the final bell rang. I grabbed my things as quickly as possible and got up but before I left my seat, I felt a hand touch my arm. I looked down to Juleka.

"You're heading to my place right? To meet up with Luka?" She spoke quietly.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"He told me..." She brushed her hair to the side and then continued. "We could go together."

"Sure! Better than going alone" I smiled to her. She smiled back and started packing her notebooks. She sure took her sweet time packing, everyone in the class was already gone. When she finished, she apologized briefly and we headed out.

On the way we chatted about many things, which helped time go by faster. And just like that, we were at her house. I gulped and stepped inside. Luka was holding an acoustic guitar that had stickers on it and a few scratches. He smiled when he saw us come in.

"Hey there" He got up and headed my way. Juleka walked past him in direction of her room after waving me goodbye.

"Hi!" I shot back nervous.

"Thanks for bringing Juleka with you. She hates walking home alone"

"Don't worry about it, I enjoy her company anyway"

He chuckled a bit. "You're a good kid"

I smiled embarrassed, not really understanding if being called a "kid" was a good thing or not. I just focused on the compliment part for the time being.

"So, what are we doing first?" I asked holding my guitar close to me. I had a stupidly big smile on my face that I couldn't hide no matter how much I tried.

"Well, I thought we could first talk some chords. Here" He headed to a ledge of the stage and sat down holding his guitar in his arms. He looked at me and gently tapped the empty space next to his. I sat down with him and took out my own.

He stared at me in silence and then laughed. I gazed around me searching for the reason for this random burst.

"Forget it, we have to start with this" He put down his guitar and moved closer to me. We were touching hips as he extended his arms over mine. It was all so fast, when I realised how close he actually was my face was deep red and I could feel my heart in my chest pounding and begging for air. I looked up to him in surprise and a bit of curiosity. He didn't meet my gaze, he just focused on the guitar while talking.

"You have the position all wrong. You need to extend your arm like this" He gently grabbed my hand and pushed it further than it was before. His fingers led mine to a position where the guitar was actually stable. Then he grabbed the other hand and did the same.

"There" He backed away once I was holding it correctly. I froze holding the heavy object while processing what has just happened. For more unexpected that it was, I kinda wish it lasted longer.

He waited a bit and then nodded. My eyes were wide open while my cheeks grew redder and hotter. He didn't seem to notice or mind, he just picked up his guitar again as if nothing had happened.

"You don't know any chords right?"

"N-no. Not even one" My voice struggled to say the words.

"Let's start with the basics then."

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