7- jealousy ACTIVATED

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I sat down in my place as students started entering the class. Soon the bell rang and the teacher entered.

"Good morning students, shall we start the class by writing the summary?" She turned around, picked up a piece of chalk and started writing on the board.

I was writing everything down as well as everyone else, the only noises heard were the chalk hitting the hard surface and the grafite from the pencils tearing softly the pages of the student's notebooks. In the quiet atmosphere I heard an even quieter whisper.


I looked to the side to face Juleka.

"Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to thank you for playing Saturday... It was really nice to hear you" she smiled gently.

"Oh, thank you, I'm glad you guys were so nice about it!" I shot back immediately, content with her comment. She nodded her head and looked to me.

"You don't have to get so scared. We love having you there, so... Don't worry about it"

Her words were honest. She had felt my nervousness, of course she had, she knew how it was because she was exactly like me. But it was really kind of her to reassure that to me. Even though we didn't speak much, I could tell that we understood each other. We had this weird bond that I treasured immensely.

"It's a shame Luka and Marinette didn't get to hear it..." She turned her gaze back to her notebook. I stopped for a bit thinking of what to answer to that. I could sense that she was awaiting some sort of answer, so I just blurred out some random polite response instead of the truth that I was slightly jealous and disappointed.

"Yeah, but it's okay, I don't mind"

She looked to me from the corner of her eye and stood silent for a bit.

"You should bring it again next week. I'm sure they'd love to listen. Specially Luka, he's a big fan anything musical."

"Yeah... Maybe I will..." I rested my head on my hand and started doodling on the corners of the page. She noticed my unenthusiastic reaction and decided to end it there.

"Oh, by the way, Rose was asking if you wanted to join us for lunch"

"Really?" I asked smiling.

"Ahah, yeah" she chuckled slightly at my excitement.

"I have to talk to Marc and Nathaniel. Though I'm sure they wouldn't mind spending some time alone" I could already imagine their red cheeks and big pouts as I said that. They were so in love, it was amazing that they weren't married and with 5 kids already. But I couldn't exactly blame them for being so stuck in their relationship, I couldn't even face my crush because of jealousy. Being a teenager really is hell...

"Well, we'll be in the cafeteria if you want to sit with us. Your choice"



Lunch break came and I quickly told Nathaniel about it.

"Oh cool cool cool, it's cool don't worry about" His reaction was too accepting. I noticed a pink blush appear in his cheeks.

"Ooooh I see" I smirked to him.

"NO YOU DON'T! GO EAT WITH THEM! BYE!" He started running off while I laughed loudly. I knew it, that boy couldn't wait to spend some alone time with his crush. That made me think if I was actually a third wheel and would be better off leaving them alone every lunch...

"Y/n! You're joining us!" Rose smiled. She looked up to me from her seat. She, Juleka, Alya, Nino, Marinette and Adrien were all sitting down in a big cafeteria table. I sat down in the only empty seat between Juleka and Nino.

"Y/n, you're from (country) right?" Alya looked to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you know." It made me happy that someone remembered.

"It's pretty obvious by your accent, which by the way is super cute." The rest of the group giggled while I smiled a bit embarrassed. It wasn't really news that my accent wasn't the best but I never knew it was that obvious. "I wanted to know if you could teach us some words or sentences!"

"Yeah teach us!" Some added to her comment while others nodded with their heads.

"Oh, sure, what do you want to know?" I was secretly excited to tell them about my language since I still missed talking outside of my house.

"How do you say... Hello?" Alya started simple.

"(Hello)!" I smiled.

"Oh, wait I think I knew that... Wait let me think..." Alya regretted her choice pretty quick, giving us a good laugh.

"How about flower?" Rose tilted her head forward to look at me.

"(Flower)" I replied back. "Words are kinda simple, but you can keep asking whatever you want"

"How do you say: LADYBUG SAVED THE WORLD ONCE AGAIN!" Nino jumped up and raised his fist in the air. Alya blushed hard embarrassed seeing that everyone in the cafeteria was looking at him and laughing. She pushed him down and shook her head.

I cleared my throat and prepared myself. "(LADYBUG SAVED THE WORLD ONCE AGAIN)!" I didn't get up from my seat but I did raise my fist and copied Nino's voice. Everyone had a good laugh at that which in return made me laugh too.

"H-how do you say I love you?" Marinette said quietly in between the noise. We all looked at the girl that looked down with a red face. A silence fell on the table but was quickly broken by Alya's laughter.

"GIRL! Can you be more obvious?" Nino and the girls laughed too, leaving me and Adrien slightly confused.

"Yeah, how do you say it?" Nino smirked at me.

"You guys are acting weird..." I smirked back not trusting them. "(I love you)"

"Wait, can you say it again?" Juleka asked.

"(I... love...you)" I slowly pronounced the syllables while Juleka repeated them. Then she whispered to herself the phrase again.

"(I love you)..." Her voice stopped and everyone looked at each other curious.

"Who are you going to confess to, Juleka?" Alya finally broke the silence.

"What?!" Juleka looked up with burning cheeks. "N-no one! I just like how it sounds!" She stumbled on her words while digging her hands into her lap. Rose laughed and held her hands under the table. With that, she calmed down and admitted defeat as the group chuckled at her adorable reaction.

The group continued asking and I continued answering. After a while the topic changed but the conversation never stopped. We had a pleasant lunch which made me wonder if I should join them more often. I started eating with them to see how it was and every time, it was a very nice environment.

But there was always the question of my constant jealously. I'd look at Marinette and see Luka's smile. Luka's unique smile he had for her. I hated feeling like this but I couldn't help it. With Luka on my mind all the time, the next Saturday came in a blink of an eye.

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