2- BaNd PrAcTiCe?!

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Before any of them could continue, a really loud blonde girl snatched Adrien away and grabbed his arm tightly. Without any hesitation she announced to all of us her infinite love to him and how he was "her's". I could see a nasty look comming from everyone, specially Marinette, she looked like she was about to explode. Adrien didn't look that angry but he also didn't look happy, he had a very confused and uncomfortable face on, I felt bad for him.

"Ignore her, she has too much glitter in her brain" Alya joked. Everyone had a good chuckle while the blondie named Chloé turned bright red. She hit her foot on the ground, turned her head to the side and left without even looking at us.

I laughed a bit but got cut off by the bell. "We'll talk more later Y/n!" Marinette said heading back to her seat. Everyone else nodded and joined her. Juleka came and sat next to me again not saying a word. I was really worried if she might hate me or something, because she didn't look like she wanted to talk to me at all. Maybe I was just letting my anxiety talk louder.

While I was doodling in the corner of the pages, I noticed her peeking behind my backpack, where my ukelele was. I looked at her expecting a dialogue but instead she apologized and turned around to face the front of the class.

The classes were not that different from before, aside from me not understanding some words, I was doing fine. After 3 days of classes I already had a routine and a social status. I'd eat with Nathaniel and Marc, two amazing talented boys I met in the art club, wich I obviously joined right away. And when it came to my popularity, it was normal. No one really talked to me besides basic polite chitchat, but I didn't mind. There seemed to be so much drama between the blondie and everyone else. I was already introverted, being in the middle of all that would absolutely drain me.

Afterschool I'd say my goodbyes to my 2 precious friends and walk home alone. That sounds sad but it was a great thing for me. I took the time to process the day and think about everything so far. And the views were always so peaceful...

That is, when it wasn't raining. Like it was this particular day.

I was officially one month into the new school and to congratulate me, the weather decided to be absolutely hellish. I was sitting outside in the front stairs waiting for my dad to pick me up. He insisted that I wasn't allowed to go home on foot because I'd catch a cold. Instead of waiting and doing nothing, I took out my ukelele and started playing some random tunes. The mix between the notes and the rain falling was incredibly calming. I started wishing my dad would take longer at this point. Before I noticed there was someone approaching the school with a large umbrella. I looked up and saw him.

A boy with messy black hair with blue tips and blue eyes. He had some earrings and his nails painted black. His denim jacket drenched with water. For a slip second, time slowed down. The rain stopped as he walked right past me. He looked at me and I looked at him, our eyes meeting each other. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel my face burn up. Seconds before he disappeared behind the door I could see a small unexpected smile he threw at me.

I put my ukelele down for a second and breathed heavily while grabbing my shirt. He was really HOT! It had been a while since I immediately started crushing on someone.

But he... he just seemed so different from anyone else, it was like looking at him made me have a fever, my cheeks heated up and my mouth formed into a smile right away though no words were able to come out of it. His face had some familiarity to it but I couldn't connect it to anyone.

I realised my stupid behaviour and slapped some sense to me. Still, I took out my phone and opened the camera to make sure I was presentable and hadn't made a fool of myself in front of such a cutie. I waited impatiently for him to come back but soon enough my dad was waiting for me in the car in front of the school. I sighed disappointed and entered the wet shiny black car.

"Hellooo, sorry I'm late. Traffic is impossible with this rain."

"It's fine..."

"Are you sure?" He noticed my disappointed face. I hurried to reassure him that it was.

We got home and I hurried down the main hall to my small bedroom. I changed from my slightly wet clothes to a clean black t-shirt with some cartoons on it and a pair of pyjama pants. I sat on my desk and opened my sketchbook, before I even picked up the pencil, my brain was already drawing hundreds of portraits of that blue-haired boy. I doodled endlessly until my mom called for dinner.

Let's just say that day I didn't think of much besides that one thing ...

The day after came and for the first time, I got up half an hour earlier. I got ready and ate my breakfast right away. I left my house earlier than usual because for some reason I thought that I would find the boy if I had some spare time to look for him in school.

As I was walking to school I saw Rose, the girl that usually talked to Juleka. I didn't want to assume anything but I had a suspicion that they were dating. I caught up to her and smiled giving her a good morning. She smiled back replying with a happy tone. I tried to find a quick topic to talk to with her because I didn't want any awkward silence but all that came to mind was Juleka.

"You're friends with Juleka right?" I asked. I face-palmed myself mentally the moment the words left my mouth. Of course she was her friend, they were together 24/7.

"Yes! Me and Juleka are the bestest of girlfriends!!"

"OH!" I smiled feeling proud that my gaydar was working. "I'm happy for you. You guys look really cute!"

"Awwww thanks! I'm really proud of our adorable friendship!!"

"Ah-" I stopped midway, FRIENDSHIP??

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, sorry, I heard you wrong."

"By the way, I always see you sitting alone during recess, do you need any friends? I can be your friend, just talk to me!"

"Oh, that's very nice thanks. I'm actually friends with Nathaniel and Marc"

"Oh! Sorry then!"

The silence took over for a bit.

"But I would love to be your friend too" I quickly added. She smiled brightly and pulled my hands close to her chest.

"Oh I'm so happy!! Juleka has been saying some really sweet things about you and I've wanted to be your friend for a long time now!"

I blushed at the thought of Juleka saying good things about me.

"You should come to our band practice this saturday! No better way to become friends than hanging out and getting to know each other more!!"

"BAND PRACTICE?!" I jumped up with excitement grabbing her hands back.

"YES! I'm in a band called Kitty section with Juleka, her brother Luka and Ivan!"

"Oh! That sounds really cool! I would love to go see you guys play!"

We continued talking about the band on our way to school.

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