22- I wasn't expecting this

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I ran and ran through hallways and stairs. At some point I came across the roof door and just went for it.

I closed the door behind me and held my knees, trying to catch my breath. I could only hear my heart beating and my gasps for air.

Once calmer, I looked up. There was an empty area with a pool, some chairs and tables. For moments I had forgotten that I was in a super rich house. I sighed. At least I was alone.

Just me, the city lights and the few stars that managed to shine through the light pollution.

My mind replayed what had just happened. I was in between cringing and crying. And in the middle of all that, an anxiety attack started kicking in.

I could feel a familiar emotion. I had a deja vu even. I knew what it was. It was the same way as when I was akumatized. I was going through it again, and I wanted to stop but I couldn't. I couldn't unsee Luka holding on to Marinette. I felt so ready to face everyone but in the end, it still affected me so greatly.


I was so weak. So stupidly in love with a guy that probably only sees me as a friend or even less. I made up this entire scenario in my head where it would all go right and we would be together... It was my fault I was feeling this way, not Luka's, not Marinette's, only mine. I had these huge unrealistic expectations and waited for them to come true without me doing anything. Idiot.


I was such an idiot! Why did I even try! It was so pointless!

"HEY!" Someone shouted.

I looked up. There was no one. I looked around searching for the voice but instead found a black butterfly flying away. I gulped.

"Behind you" the voice spoke again.

I walked around the cement cubicle that protected the stairs and found, in the dark, a girl sitting down hugging her knees. I squinted my eyes to try and see who it was.

"Chloé?" I sniffed, still trying to shake off the tears.

"Yeah yeah, just sit down" she didn't look that much better than me. I did as she told me and joined her on the cold floor.

"Why are you here?" I asked her quietly.

"I don't know genius, why are you here?" She definitely wasn't in the best mood, but seeing that she had saved me from being akumatized again, I kept on talking to her.

"It's complicated" I looked away. She scoffed.

"No it isn't" I looked at her a bit offended. But then she continued with a serious tone. "You tried your luck but in the end, they still ended up dancing with someone else"

Her voice cracked at the end. I could see some tears coming from her eyes, reflecting the faint light from the buildings. I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't even comfort myself. We were both deep in it.

"So yeah. That's it." She sniffed and burried her head in her arms. I raised my hand, wondering if I should embrace her or just let her be. Before I could move she spoke again.

"UGH! IT'S SO UNFAIR!" I jumped back scared. "WE ARE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS! I'VE BEEN THERE FOR HIM SINCE FOREVER! AND EVEN THEN! HE CHOSE- HE CHOSE- I-" Her voice broke as she started sobbing loudly. I pulled her into a hug, which she accepted and hugged back.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?" She looked up with a confused face.

"Because, you didn't deserve to go through that."

She pulled away and sat right, looking at me.

"Are you making fun of me?" She looked angry. I reassured otherwise.

"No! I mean it! No one deserves to get hum... Heartbroken... I guess..."

She kept quiet for a bit.

"Thanks..." She finally said under her breath. I smiled a bit awkwardly.

"And how do you feel? Seeing him with someone else?" She looked at me. I looked back, with a stupid face of someone that wasn't expecting that question.

"Hmm... Not good?" I laughed nervously. "But how did you even know I liked him?"

"You're always together, it's pretty obvious" She answered as if the whole world knew. I sighed, embarrassed. "It must have been a pain when he started dating Marc..."

"WHAT?!" I jumped back. "MARC? YOU- YOU THINK I LIKE NATHANIEL? I- NO! NO NO NO!" Just imagining it made me cringe. Nathaniel was entirely meant to be with Marc, I wouldn't dare to get in between them.

"Wait, then is it Marc?" She tilted her head confused.


"Oh... Then who?" She looked up, trying to figure out all of the possible options. I just shook my head with my hands on my face, covering the red cheeks.

"IS IT ADRIEN?!" She grabbed my shoulders and I swear I could see a small tiger inside her eyes, ready to attack. I gulped.

"ALSO NO! It isn't! Relax..." And so she did. She breathed in and sat back down.

"Well, even if you don't, Kagami and Marinette sure do..." She puffed out her cheeks angry. I sulked in my corner too, remembering Marinette and Luka... Chloé noticed my reaction.

"Wait, you like Luka?"

I nodded silently.

"Another one stolen by Marinette... I really hate her"

"It's not her fault-"

"Isn't it, though? She goes around aimlessly flirting with every boy that comes across her! And then they get distracted by her until she gets tired and moves on to another one... And while all of this she keeps up her little miss perfect persona. I hate her so much... She knew I liked Adrien and she still went for him... And well, it was enough time distracting him until Kagami came along to take him away for real..." There was real pain in her words. I didn't know if I should agree or not, afterall, I didn't know Marinette that well. I just let her vent and nodded along to what she said.

"Have you ever told Adrien how you feel?"

"What a stupid question!" She shot back immediately. "I basically confess every single day!"

"Sorry..." I shut up. She noticed and spoke, trying to break the silence.

"Have you?" She asked with a calmer tone.

"He kinda figured out..."


"Well... He apologized a lot..." I looked down, not wanting to remember that moment.

"At least he rejected you properly!" She threw her hands in the air. "Adrien doesn't even care to tell me face to face! And because of that, I keep... I keep believing I have some sort of chance..."

"You should really talk to him. For your own sake, you know?" I grabbed her hands and held them carefully.

"Yeah... Whatever..." She looked away embarrassed. She stared at our hands for a bit before murmuring something.

"What?" I asked, not hearing her well.

"I said thank you" she kept looking down, with a hint of pink in her cheeks. I could feel how hard it had been for her to say that. I had never seen her so open and vulnerable... The things people said about her were so mean, if only they got to see that she was a person too and not some selfish rich girl.

She looked up to me and I smiled to her. She smiled back. We stayed like that for a bit. Then we heard the door burst open.


"Luka?" I got up immediately. He followed my voice and met with me and Chloé. She was still siting down, not bothered enough to get up.

"Oh thank god! I was worried about you! You stormed off like that and- and well- I-"

Chloé interrupted him, rolling her eyes annoyed.

"At least yours came to check up on you"

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