23- the talk

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I ignored her and looked at Luka.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was worried about you. I knew you saw me and Marinette and-"

"It's fine! You didn't have to come, sorry I worried you" I quickly cut him off. I wanted this conversation to end as soon as possible. I was so done with his pitiful looks.

"It's not. It's not the first time I've caused this kind of reaction. I hate seeing you so down" He tilted his head and lowered his stance to look me in the eyes. His gaze was so strong, I couldn't look away. "I really treasure what we have and, I don't know if it's selfish but, I miss being with you. Playing music with you, sharing thoughts and ... Everything else..." Slowly, his head fell down.

I didn't know what to say. I was so glad he missed me. But, the whole speech just sounded like a long goodbye.

"I miss it too..." I just whispered under my breath.

"If only I had known from the start... I would try my best not to get in the way of your feelings for her..."

I heard a choking sound from behind. Chloé was coughing like crazy, with her face all red.


I looked back at him, replaying his sentence in my head. He did, indeed, say 'her'.

"Marinette" He replied, almost afraid of saying something wrong. Which he did.

"Wait wait wait..." I shushed Chloé who was about to burst with anger. "You think I like Marinette?"

"I thought so" He was genuinely confused. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

"Ugh, this is so cliché" Chloé got up and brushed her slightly dirty pants. "I'm going down. Good luck" She left us alone in the chilly rooftop.

"So... You don't like Marinette"

I just looked down embarrassed.

"You like..." My face heat up.

"Me..." Luka finished his sentence, internalising it.

I couldn't manage to get any words out of my mouth.

"That changes everything, doesn't it..." He just stood still.

The silence filled the air. It was so dense, I could hardly breath.

"Anyways, it's not big deal, I'll be going now!" I turned around, ready to escape that torture.

He grabbed my hand. "Wait!"

I stopped, not turning around.

"This is really unexpected" He struggled to get words out. "Can I just think about it for a second?"

I nodded not looking back. He stood in silence, clearly working everything out Inside his head, not letting go of my hand the whole time. Finally he spoke again.

"I really hurt you... I'm so sorry" His grip on my hand tightened, it was obvious he meant what he said. I turned around to face his regretful expression.

"Don't worry... You like who you like and my stupid crush shouldn't get in the way of that" I refused to look him in the eye when he had such a caring gaze in them. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable..."

"Y/N!" He screamed immediately. I looked to him surprised. "You realise- that's - it's not!" He couldn't get a full sentence out of his mouth before staring a new one. In a mix of all that he just pulled me into a strong hug.

I just hugged back.

We could hear the faint music coming from way downstairs. Voices and laughter too. And there we were, away from all the noise, all the people. In that rooftop with the moon shining brightly on us.

"Is it bad that I don't want to let go?" Luka asked quietly. I burried my head in his shoulder and replied in the same tone.

"I don't think so."

He sighed. I could feel his breath in my neck. His voice next to my ear was quiet like a whisper but I could perfectly make out what he said.

"I feel selfish when I'm with you"

"What do you mean?"

"I..." He stopped to think. He wasn't the best with words and I could bet that he wished he had his guitar there with him. It would have been easier for him to let it all out that way. "I like being with you. You're calm and cozy. I don't feel stressed or sad or jealous when we're together. Makes me forget about all the troubles that run wild in my mind."

I stayed quiet as my cheeks warmed up.

"I've liked Marinette for so long... But she fills me with anxiety and jealousy. In the beginning it was so nice, just us in our own little musical world. But I noticed more and more how she acts with Adrien... And then she started mistaking me for him..." 

I knew I had to hear what he said as a friend and leave my feelings behind. His tone of voice gave away the honesty of what he said. This had been in his mind, eating him up, for a while now, maybe longer than my time in Paris.

"Sorry, I ended up talking about her again" He pushed me back.

"It's fine..."

There was brief moment of silence.

"But..." I continued. He looked at me expectantly. "Why do you like her? If you don't mind me asking"

"Why I like her?" He repeated the question, trying to quickly think of a reply. "Marinette is just an amazing girl. She's talented, nice and always puts others before herself. I've liked her since the first moment I saw her. The way she's so selfless and caring."

I immediately regretted asking. With each word, a version of Marinette appeared in my head with the exact opposite traits.

"She's so perfect yet she makes you feel so bad" I mumbled under my breath.

I looked up and saw his shocked expression. He definitely heard what I said. I burned in shame.

"Sorry! I didn't mean that! I'm just being stupid, ignore it!"

"It's fine..." He said slowly.

I could feel my heart beat faster. I felt so childish for saying that in front of him. It was such a jealous mean thing that came out with only angry feelings behind it.

The church's clock rang, snapping me out of my embarrassment and giving us some moments of silence, just listening to the sound of the bells.

Once it was over I took out my phone.

"OH NO! IT'S ALREADY 11PM!" I started panicking. My mom would kill me if I got home any later than that.

"Should I take you home?" Luka asked worried.

"No!" I replied almost instantly. He looked at me a bit hurt. "It's better if I just... Go on my own. It's the opposite way of your house so it would just take longer for you to get home yourself"

"Of course" He said looking down, not believing my reasoning.

"I'll see you" I waved goodbye awkwardly.

Luka held out his hand to stop me but didn't say anything. He just looked to me in silence as his mind shouted a million thoughts, none of them which I could understand. After a bit he just sighed and looked down.

"Goodbye Y/n"

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