5- but now I'm f-f-f-falling for ya

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"OH FINALLY!" I opened the door and was immediately met with a huge hug from my parents and older sister.

"Y/n! Are you sure you're not hurt? My god, I was so worried!" My mom grabbed my head and turned it to the side to search for scars or scratches. I laughed and pushed her a bit denying any harm had been done to me.

"I told you Paris wouldn't be safe!" My mom shot at my dad who looked down ashamed.

"Oh c'mon mom, he's not even hurt." My sister jumped in to defend my dad as she always did, this time for good though, it wasn't like he had any fault in this.

"He could be, that's the point." She pouted and turned around in direction of the dinning/living room. My dad sighed and put his arm around me following her.

During dinner my dad and sister explained to me who Ladybug was and why there were monsters. My mother refused to look at my dad during the entire time. I listened attently trying my best to believe it all. After dinner they showed me the Ladyblog which sparked some faint memories of Alya from my class talking about it. From there I had no choice but believe it.


Some weeks had passed and the existence of super heroes wasn't so incredible anymore. Seeing them fight a monster once a month, sometimes once a week made it become old very quick. It wasn't ideal but in my mind I was already accepting it as a reality that the town's safety, and mine, relied on a pair of teens, maybe young adults wearing animal suits.

Contrary of the hero news, school had nothing new to offer. The hype of living in a comic book world quickly died down when I remembered that I still had to take tests and live a normal school life. I had, however, grown a new habit. A new routine you could say. Every saturday I'd accompany Marinette, Nino and Alya to Juleka and Luka's house to watch the Kitty Section rehearsals. I genuinely loved their music and had a huge admiration for their passion. I have to be honest I was jealous. I was always reminded of my lack of skills on the ukulele when I saw them play. But those feelings were always overtaken by joy and pride for the amazing band in front of me.

I found myself doodling their outfits and the members during breaks. Nathaniel and Marc would occasionally tease, asking if I had a crush on them or something but I'd just brush them off and hurry them to get a room, which always left them quiet with red cheeks. I knew well enough that they had been crushing on each other way before I had arrived at that school and it was fun to joke about it, though also a bit frustrating that they didn't admit it.

'But at least it's corresponded' I thought thinking of Luka's face when he talked to Marinette. I sighed disappointed and continued my way to their house. This Saturday, like any other, we were all going to meet up to watch them play. However, Marinette was sick, so it meant that there was a possibility of me speaking to Luka. I knew it was wrong to be looking forward to it when a friend of mine was in bed sneezing and coughing but I was a hopeless romantic just looking for the tiniest bit of change in my mundane life.

"Yo, Y/n's here" Ivan announced making everyone else look at me. I was the last one to arrive which was a bit embarrassing seeing that they were all waiting for me to start.

"Sorry I'm late" I apologized quickly rubbing the back of my head.

"It's okay! Alya and Nino only arrived now too" Rose was fast to ease my guilt.

The band members went up to the stage while us spectators sat in the couches and watched. They played maybe 3 songs before Rose started coughing like crazy.

"Wow, are you okay?" Juleka hurried to check up on her. Her worried face showed how much she truly cared for the small blonde girl in front of her.

The rest of us stood up waiting patiently and worried for Rose to calm down.

"I think I swallowed a bug..." She finally said making a disgusted expression. Juleka sighed relieved while Ivan, Nino and Alya burst out laughing. I honestly didn't know wether to laugh or not so I just looked confused at everyone else. Then I met eyes with Luka, as he smiled gently. He raised his eyebrows and elbows as to say that it was a normal thing to happen. I smiled back confused but relieved too.

After Juleka talked a bit with Rose they announced that it was enough of rehearsals and they were going to rest. We all agreed and sat down. As usual, Ivan left, Juleka sat with Rose and Alya sat with Nino. Then I looked at Luka, wondering what he would do now that Marinette was missing. He was still in the stage but instead of standing up, he sat down and played some tunes in his bass. I got up from my seat and came closer to him.

"Mind if I seat?" I asked awkwardly. He just nodded with his eyes closed while playing his calming tunes.

I sat next to him and looked at him while he played. In comparison to what he played with the band, this was much calmer and relaxing. As he played it a wave of relaxation dawned down on me. I stared out to the waters of the river while listening and moved my head according to the rythm. I didn't talk, neither did he, it was a comfortable moment of just music, us, and the world. After a while he stopped and opened his eyes to look at me.

"So, what did you think?" His blue eyes pierced through me.

"It was amazing. What song is it?" I asked curious.

"It's an original song I'm writing, but I don't think it's quite there yet. It still needs some touches"

"I liked it. Even the rough parts sounded good, they mixed so perfectly with the soft ones..."

"Thanks!" He smiled honestly. My heart skipped a beat. "Are you working on any songs yourself?"

"Me? I don't even know how to play..." I answered embarrassed.

"What about that ukelele of yours? Don't tell me it's just for decoration" He raised an eyebrow smirking. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, I promise it isn't. I know how to play some random tunes but I don't even know the names of the chords..."

"I'd love to hear you play someday, you seem like a person that creates magnific things" He tilted his head smiling. I forced myself to look away before melting on the spot.

"Thanks... That's... Really nice to hear"  I blushed hard while staring at the floor. I heard a chuckle coming from him.

"Why don't you bring your uke next time and show me your random tunes?"

"Ah no... That'd be too embarrassing. Compared to you bunch I'm like a toddler smashing pans. I just make noise"

"Every music is just noises combined in a unique way. I bet you can combine your noises and make something wonderful if you try." His tone was so sweet that I felt comfortable to tell him even my deepest secrets. I smiled and nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, you're right."

"So you'll bring it next week?" He asked once again.

"Sure, I'll bring it"

We both smiled at each other. He then looked to his bass and started playing a new melody. I listened and closed my eyes.

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