16- hawkmoth, hi babe

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"That's great! I also finished mine!" Luka suddenly looked excited to talk.

"The one you asked for my help?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. He had been asking for my opinion about that damned mystery song for ages, and I was happy to help. It was a way for us to connect.

"Yes, after months of working on it, I've finally settled on something that I quite like" He said proudly but still a bit embarrassed.

"Are you finally going to tell me what is it about?" I smiled giving him a curious look.

"Well, I suppose it would only be fair." His face turned a bit red and he finally talked. "It's about someone special... Someone I really like and admire... Marinette"

My smile dropped immediately. I could almost hear my heart stop. It didn't make sense. None of it. And at the same time, it made so much sense that it hurt. All this time, I had hoped foolishly that he had forgotten about her and somehow had thought about me differently. But he didn't. And unknowingly, he made me help him with this song for her ...

"Y/n?" He asked after seeing my shocked reaction.

"Yes, sorry..." My eyes fixated on the floor, still trying to piece things up in my head.

"Are you okay?" He tilted his head and put his hand on my shoulder. As soon as I felt his touch, I got up.

"I have to go, oh wow, it's late I have to go home. My parents will kill me ahah, bye!" I grabbed my guitar on a hurry and walked away, feeling some tears rise to my eyes.

"Y/n, what-" I ran away before I could hear the end of his answer. The more I ran, the more it settled in what had actually happened. I ran and sobbed and coughed and sniffed. I reached a far enough place to catch my breath. I hid in between two old buildings, behind a dumpster. I cried holding on to the guitar case and pick.

From nowhere, a weird voice started talking in my head, making me feel more emotional than before.

"Y/n, I am Hawkmoth. You have felt true heartbreak, even after giving so much to others. It is unfair that you have feel this way alone, it's now your turn to break other's heart. I will give you powers and in return you will give me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous"

"Yes, Hawkmoth"

My vision became black.

-Akuma time-

I was wearing a strange black and white outfit with upside down hearts. My pick had become a slingshot with intricate bright blue lines that went all around it. My face was fully painted white with a mime-like makeup and a big blue tear drawn on my right cheek. When I pushed my slingshot back, a bright blue tear appeared that served as a bullet.

Besides my new weapon and outfit, there was a big cloud with raindrops hanging from it next to me. I jumped on top of it and flew away to the city. In there I came across my first victims. A couple sitting down in a bench cuddling and smiling to each other. I groaned and prepared my slingshot, aiming to them. I let go and hit one and then another. A blue tear appeared on their faces and they immediately stopped smiling. They frowned and looked down, backing away from each other and mumbling things under their breath.

"You don't like me, do you?" The girl said quietly.

"I could never be good enough for you anyway" The boy replied in the same tone.

I laughed loudly, seeing their depressed faces made me jolt with energy and excitement. I could only imagine how much damage I could do with this little weapon. I flew away from them and went in search for Luka. Before anything, I wanted him to feel the way he had made me feel. I went ahead to the place we were at before. On the way, I hit a few more people.

When I reached the deserted familiar area, I saw him sitting on the stone bench, playing his guitar quietly.

"Well, well, well..." He turned around to look at me after hearing my raspy voice. I laughed at his scared face.

"W-who are you?" He stood up quickly.

"I'm the Heartbreaker. And you're about to get heartbroken hahaha" I aimed right to his face and just when I let the string go, an annoyingly fast girl grabbed him by the waist and pulled him away.

"Ugh, ladybug" I rolled my eyes.

"Watch it! That's my lady you're talking about" I looked back to see a smug look coming from the sarcastic blonde wearing a cat suit.

"Funny seeing you here. Even after getting rejected over and over again, you still show up to defend Ladybug" I smirked spinning my weapon in my hand.

"You're wrong. Ladybug can defend herself, I'm just here to distract you while she hides a certain innocent civilian"

I looked back to see that, indeed, I had lost track of where she had gone with Luka. Irritated, I looked back at Chat Noir and threw a tear his way. He jumped just in time to escape it.

"Oops, missed me!"

"Shut up!" I shot again and again but he kept escaping.

After a while of this Tom and Jerry situation I felt a tight rope go around my body. I looked down to see Ladybug's yo-yo.

"Come on, just smile a little!" She pulled me towards her and then jumped out of the way, making me hit a brick wall. My cloud came to me quickly enough for me to fall on it. In pain, I looked up to her, feeling more angry than before.

"Where did you put him?" I stared at her.

"Smile and I'll tell ya" She joked. Chat Noir laughed and complimented her.

"I'll wipe those disgusting smiles off your faces and then you'll talk" I started shooting at them and then the fun began.

They jumped from side to side and I shot everywhere, hitting some innocent bystanders in the middle of it. After a lot of aiming and failing, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. Luka, sneaking away in the roof of a building. I changed my aim right away and prepared to shoot. Both heroes I was fighting noticed and acted on it. Ladybug threw her yo-yo and grabbed him, yanking him away once again, but this time I was ready. I already had the slingshot ready to shoot at her, and so I did. I knew I caught her off guard because Chat Noir had to jump in and tackle her away from my tear, but by doing that, her yo-yo let go of Luka. He was still very high up and falling down. From that height he would die for sure. In the panic and surprise, I threw my cloud to catch his fall, making me fall in consequence. He fell on the cloud unhurt, but I couldn't say the same for me. I was also high up and I could only stare at the floor as it grew closer and closer. I could feel my face become pale as I basically faced death.

"Ladybug! Catch him!" Luka screamed from his place.

When I was just a few meters away from the floor, a hand grabbed my slingshot, keeping me suspended in midair. That same hand snapped it in half, which made me fall on my butt on the floor. After that, my vision became black again.

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