24- take yer time

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Luka's Pov:

I watched as Y/n walked off, leaving an empty feeling inside of me. There was still so much left to say...

I stood there, looking up at the stars, for just enough time for the cold to start kicking in. I closed my jacket and headed downstairs.

The main hall was full of adults dancing, chatting and drinking. There were barely any kids or teens around. I took out my phone and understood why.

Juleka 💜: "The mayor sent the minors home. I couldn't find you so I'm waiting for you at the front."

I smiled at my sister's kindness. Just as the message suggested, I went out to meet up with her. In the stairs in front of the big entrance doors, there was a small group sitting down and chatting. I immediately recognised them: Juleka, Rose, Marinette, Adrien and Nathaniel. The sight of Marinette made my heart twist in a way I'd never felt before.

"Hey guys" I waved. They turned to me and did the same.

"Luka! Where were you? We were starting to get worried!" Rose cried out while holding on to Juleka.

I chuckled embarrassed: "Sorry..."

"Are you ready to go?" Juleka asked quietly, it was apparent that her social battery was running out and she wanted desperately to go home.

"Yeah, I just need to get my things-"

"I got them here" Adrien smiled handing me my bass case.

"Thanks" I took it a bit surprised. "How did you know where it was?"

"Oh, Marinette told me."

We both looked in her direction. She immediately started burning up.

"Oh but Adrien was the one who went so it's all on him! He's the one who rescued- huh I mean- grabbed your bass for you! I didn't do anything basically..."

The conversation died down as a few moments of silence filled the air. Nathaniel coughed in a rather awkward way, turning his head to face the street.

"Were you with Y/n by any chance?" His tone was a bit aggressive but I chose to ignore it.

"Yeah, why?"


He refused to look me in the eyes.

"By the way, what are you guys still doing here?" I asked to shift the mood.

"I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up! She's a bit late because she fell asleep watching TV hehe" Rose chuckled imagining the scenery in her head.

"Same here" Nathaniel confessed.

"I'm just waiting for my parents' shift to be over" Marinette answered.

We all looked at Adrien waiting for his own. He gulped when he noticed.

"My dad will pick me up anytime soon... He's probably caught up in traffic"

As he said the last part, we all looked out to the empty streets.

"Adrien! I-If you want I can take you home! Not me, my parents, I don't know how to drive afterall! Ahahah!"

"Really? That'd be great, thanks!" He gave his picture perfect smile to her, which made her blush. A blush that I could never achieve even if I gave her all my heart.

Juleka grabbed onto my sleeve and gently pushed it to get my attention.

"Can we go?"

"Of course"

Third Wheel | Luka x Male Reader | Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now