25- lol this is so late ahahahah

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I woke up the Monday after. It was hard to believe I actually had to go to school after that emotional rollercoaster. But school didn't care about my feelings, it cared about my future or whatever. So I got ready against my will and jumped inside my dad's car.

"Why the long face?" He asked, looking away from the street for a few seconds. I sighed.

"Just stupid feelings..." I rested my head on the car window. "For stupid people..."

"Ahah, teenagers are so dramatic" he laughed. I pouted my cheeks not wanting to show him that he was right. "So, who is it?"

"Just a stupid boy that has stupid feelings for another stupid person" I burried my head deeper and deeper in my shoulders as each word left my mouth. He laughed even louder.


"I'm sorry! It's funny because I've been there" He wiped the tears from his eyes. I turned my attention to him discretely.

"Well, you see, when I was your age I had a crush on this beautiful girl from the girl's school. She was popular, smart, nice and everything else that made a girl perfect in those times. But she didn't like your old geeky dad back then, she rejected me after I asked her out, didn't even give me a chance."

"And what did you do?"

"I tried again!" He laughed again.

"You were such a creep!" I laughed with him.

"Well, but the truth is that all those tries weren't for nothing, you see-"

"She eventually fell for you and that's how you met mom?" I rolled my eyes.

"Not exactly. The girl was completely full of me, but who wasn't was, indeed, your mom. She was the girl's best friend and had seen all of my failed attempts. Somehow, she thought I was charming. So one day, she asked me out." He smiled remembering the good old times

"Oh... That's nice" I thought about it for a while.

"What I mean with this is: sometimes you're so stuck up in who you like, you forget to look around and see who likes YOU instead."

I sighed again, annoyed "I wish you would tell that story to Luka..."

"I imagine you're in your mom's situation then..."

"Yup..." I replied with a disappointed voice. "How did she gather the courage to ask you out, even knowing that you liked someone else?"

"That's a question for her, not me"

The car arrived at school shortly after.

"Thanks for the story, dad"

"Anytime, I'm full of them" He smiled brightly. "Have a good day!"

"You too!" I closed the door and waved as the car drove away. I turned around to face the big building in front of me, full of kids and teens running up the stairs.

I tried distracting my mind from the embarrassment at the party. All I wanted was to erase that moment from everyone's mind.

I entered the classroom calmer, seeing that no one was giving weird looks or gossiping, and sat down.

Juleka looked at me and reached out to hold my hand.

"How are you feeling?" Her worried and quiet tone pierced into my heart.

"I'm better, thanks" I held her hand back and smiled. She nodded, still worried, and turned to the front.

During lunch, Nathaniel and Marc were unusually quiet. Nathaniel looked like he was having an argument in his head, shaking his leg while chewing the food aggressively. Marc, on the other hand, looked like a worried mom with a secret, always looking down, biting his nails and occasionally telling Nathaniel to calm down. I didn't want to butt in, afraid it was a problem between them and maybe too private for me. But they spared me the time to wonder.

At some point, Nathaniel grew full of staying quiet and turned to me with his face red.


I jumped back surprised, almost having an heart attack.

"What?! Who? When?" I asked confused.

"Luka! At the party! He went after you and then you came running out without even talking to us! Did he hurt you?! Did he TOUCH YOU?!" I could feel his anger. Not only feel, see it. His eyebrows pointed down with his eyes wide open.

"DID HE?! I WILL KILL HIM!" Marc added, jumping closer to me.

"Wow guys! Nothing happened! I'm fine!" I tried reassuring them, afraid for Luka's safety.

"That's not going to work on us and you know it" Nathaniel didn't look away from me. I gulped. Even Marc, who was usually calm, was getting worked up about it.

"Look, nothing much happened. He just, basically, rejected me for the one hundredth time..."


I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Shut up"

"When did you confess to him?" Marc asked, calming down.

"Well, properly, only that night"

"Hmmm, maybe he was just surprised and didn't know what to say!"

"I appreciate the sympathy but it's obvious what he feels for Marinette. And it's obvious he doesn't feel it for me"

"Thank god. What he feels for Marinette is just sad" Nathaniel continued, looking away.

"What?" I turned to him, wanting to hear more of where that was coming from.

"Okay look, I liked Marinette a long-"

"WHAT?! YOU LIKED MARINETTE?!" I asked in absolute shock.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT'S IMPORTANT HERE!" He shot back, shushing me immediately.

"It is pretty weird tho-"

"ANYWAYS!" he interrupted me. "I liked her and I asked her out. She said yes, to my surprise. Everyone knew she liked Adrien so when she accepted to go out with me, I almost thought I was dreaming. And I kinda was, because when we went out it was painfully obvious that she did it out of kindness."

"Yeah... Marinette is nice but sometimes she needs to learn to say no. Honesty can be hard to swallow but it's always better than a lingering lie." Marc continued.

"I understand that but this is different. Marinette actually likes Luka. I've seen them holding hands and dancing together"

"When she actually likes someone, she can't even be in the same room as them"

"Either way, it's not my place to say if her feelings are truthful or not. She's with Luka now and I can't do anything about it, okay?"

They stayed silent looking at me. I blushed, embarrassed for causing a scene.


"It's fine" Marc came and rubbed my back.

"I think you should move on" Nathaniel said abruptly. "Forget about him"



here's my excuse: summer break make me go brrrrr lazyyyyy.

That's it. :)

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