21- slow dance with you

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Me, Nathaniel and Marc entered the busy hotel after showing the guards our IDs. The main room was huge with little tables with food and drinks, the ceiling had a shiny chandelier that had every candle on and the walls had balloons attached to them with golden ribbons. The guests looked incredible with expansive clothes and beautiful hairstyles. There even were a couple of butlers walking around and checking up on people. I just gasped at the sight of everything. The boys next to me chuckled, they were already used to this scenario.

"Oh look!" Marc pointed to a corner surrounded by people. There was a poster on the wall with "kitty section" written in big bold letters.

We all looked at each other before brushing through the crowd to get there. When we did, we were met with tons of familiar faces. It was like the whole class decided to take over that one spot. And now closer, I could see that there was a small stage with two lights pointed at the middle. The instruments were all set up. Rose and Ivan were chatting with some other kids from our class. We decided to join in.

"Hey!" Nathaniel waved to everyone. We all exchanged hellos. I noticed right away that the topic of the conversation seemed a bit tense. Everyone was with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked finally. Rose just sighed. Alya offered to explain.

"Juleka said she had to go to the bathroom but it's been a while now. We think something might have happened" she said calmly but still with an uneasy tone.

"I can't wait anymore! I'm going to check on her!" Rose bolted out of the room, grabbing her fluffy pink dress so she wouldn't trip.

"So..."  Nino looked around awkwardly.

"Let's talk about something else while they're gone, lift up the mood" Adrien suggested. We all nodded but no one had anything to say. Then, Adrien spoke again.

"Marinette, did you sew that dress?" He went around her, analyzing her dress and in the process making her face flush red.

"Y-yes! I sew it j-just for you- JUST FOR THIS PARTY, I MEAN! T-the party yes!" She stuttered while avoiding his eyes. Everyone already knew how it was with those two.

"It looks really good! Great job" He smiled his picture perfect smile that every model had. She, obviously, fell for it completely. It was hard to not roll my eyes in cringe.

It wasn't her fault she was so in love with Adrien. But the fact that Luka liked her so much, and yet she was oblivious to it. Not only that, but she acted so extra in front of him because of Adrien. I knew it was hard for me to see Luka like Marinette but at least he didn't start having a panic attack every time she spoke to him.

And speaking of the devil, Luka showed up right in that moment.

"Hey everyone" He gave a small wave to everyone. Marinette stared at him, red, and then at Adrien.

"Luka! You're here!" She turned to him, facing the opposite way of Adrien. In response, he turned to chat with some other people.

"I am, and you're here too" He acted surprised. She laughed a bit too loud, looking back to see if the blonde was still looking.

"You're going to play today! Isn't it exciting?" She smiled to him excited, letting the whole Adrien thing behind.

"Yeah, it is!" He looked at me, chuckling. "That's actually what me and Y/n we're talking about outside"

I nodded, not expecting to be called into the conversation like that.

"It's an amazing opportunity for the band" He smiled with his eyes closed.

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