4- guess I'll die

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They practiced for a while and I watched amazed. They finished their third song and I clapped happily. Besides me, it was possible to hear a distant clap coming from the shore. We all looked and watched as Marinette smiled entering the boat with Alya and Nino. Rose jumped up with happiness and went to greet them as Juleka and Ivan stayed in the their places. Luka walked to Marinette with a smile and then started talking to her. I could see by the way he looked at her, she meant a lot of him. It had been mere hours since I'd met this boy and I was already feeling jealous.

After talking for a bit, Alya and Nino sat in the same couch I was in. Rose called it a day and started talking to Juleka. Ivan went home saying that he had to meet up with his girlfriend. I looked around for Luka but in a blink of an eye him and Marinette were gone.

"Marinette is probably with Luka, he's teaching her how to play the guitar" Alya said noticing my confusion.

"Oh, thanks" I swallowed my jealousy and looked down to my hands.

He was teaching her how to play? Like, putting his arms around her and stuff?! She's so lucky!!

Then it hit me... W-were they dating?! In a state of shock I turned to Alya, who was playing games on her phone with Nino.

"Alya, is Marinette ... Going out with Luka?"

"Oh!" She immediately shifted her gaze to me with excitement. "That's right! You don't know about the Marinette love-life drama!"

I tilted my head confused. She continued.

"Marinette has had a crush on Adrien in our class for the longest time but she's too shy to tell him. But honestly, I think Luka is into her and I don't know what she thinks about him yet but they would look really cute together. Either way, Marinette sucks at relationships, and Adrien does too. But at least Luka is pretty honest about his feelings."

"Oh... That is... Really complicated"

"Sorry ahah, you had to he here watching this entire thing develop to understand"

"It's okay, thanks anyways"

She smiled and went back to her game. I looked around awkwardly, Rose and Juleka, Alya and Nino and then me, lonely me. Not to speak of Marinette and Luka probably flirting somewhere singing love songs to each other.

I took out my phone and after some minutes of staring at my home screen I decided that it was best to just leave. I got up and said my goodbyes to everyone, explaining my dad wanted me home early. They all understood and waved goodbye. I was a bit indecisive if I should go say goodbye to Luka and Marinette but it seemed better not to disturb them. I left and walked down the characteristic streets of Paris making my way home.

While walking, I noticed that the floor was shaking. I looked around to see the other people's reactions, afraid I was imagining it all. But it was real, everyone around me was panicking and in a state of confusion like myself. Then, from behind a building came marching in a huge bear plushie with red upsidedown hearts on his cheeks and yellow glowing eyes. I looked terrified. It seemed straight out of a movie. I had heard stories about villains attacking cities but because it never happened in my small hometown, I never believed it. I fell to the ground in shock. The bear groaned loudly before continuing in my general direction. Everyone started running but I was on the floor, perplex and confused looking at that monstrosity.

The monster then shot a white beam of light through his eyes. After touching a person on the other side of the street it made them fall asleep immediately. I looked in horror as I could see that I was going to be the next victim. I saw as the bear prepared to attack again. I closed my eyes and put my arms in front of my face for protection when, suddenly, I was grabbed by someone and was what seemed like flying through the air. I opened my eyes and saw a girl around my age with ponytails wearing a red mask with black polka dots that matched her body suit. She landed on a deserted area of a park and looked at me worried.

"Are you okay?" Her tone was very familiar but I couldn't quite recognise from where.

"Yeah..." I couldn't express everything was feeling with words even if I tried.

"Good! Now listen, you have to run away, hide somewhere safe until the monster is defeated okay?" She grabbed my arms and forced me to look at her as to inforce the importance of the task. I just nodded up and down quickly. She then shot me a smile and left, flying through the sky with her yo-yo.

I stood there for a few seconds as confused as ever. I was brought back to reality when my phone rang. I picked it up quickly.


"ARE YOU OKAY?! I'M LOOKING AT THE NEWS! THAT THING! IT'S CLOSE TO WHERE YOU ARE!" My dad screamed full of worry and anxiety.

"I'm okay dad! I'm fine I swear! A weird red lady saved me if you can believe it"

"Ladybug saved you?! Did you thank her? Oh thank god for that girl!"

"Ladybug? What? You know her?" I was beginning to believe that this was some sort of joke everyone was in except me, feeling slightly betrayed by my father.

"Just come home please, I'll explain it better here"

"Okay, I'm going" I turned off the phone and looked around. Unfortunately, I was totally lost. I went down the empty streets as groans were heard from far away, coming from the monster I assumed. I read the street names and pretended I knew exactly where they were in a map. After some failing tries at guessing the right way to go, the groaning stopped and a bunch of red sparkles made their way through the town. I looked around as people started showing up again.

'So I'm guessing he was defeated?' I thought to myself. I used this opportunity to practice my broken French and ask for directions. Luckily, a nice lady with her kid offered to take me to my street. Once I got home I thanked her and hurried inside so I could finally be told what was going on in this comic book looking town.

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