kageyama ~ too long

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kageyama desperately needs to get laid...

soft male dom, oral, penetration

It was a casual night out for Kageyama. He was now playing Volleyball for a national league and living in an apartment in Tokyo which he shared with a roommate, you. The new year had just arrived so all of his friends were back from their colleges and study abroad for the holidays. Since it had been a while, a small group decided to go out to see a movie. Small was probably an understatement however.

It was late when the movie finally ended and the group started walking back together.

"Good movie, right Iwa-Chan?" Oikawa asks, slinging his arm around his friend.

"I don't know why we let you pick the movie." His friend practically ignored him, continuing to walking straight ahead with the fairly large group.

"Wow, we don't see each other in months and you're still the same cold person!" The taller one pouts, trailing the other like a puppy.

"Kenma! What did you think?!" A Short orange haired boy asks eagerly to his friend who was already tapping away at his video games not even minutes after leaving the theater.

"I've seen better," he replies with a monotone voice.

"He wouldn't have gone if I didn't drag him out," Kuroo smirks, noticing the way Kenma had an almost unnoticeable glint of happiness in his eye.

"Fine. Fine. The movie wasn't great but the lead actress was cute, right?!" Oikawa shouts excitedly, trying to salvage his movie choice.

"I would say she's more hot than cute," Bokuto says, pointing as if he was making a remarkable discovery.

"Oh, she was smoking hot!" Atsumu interjects, ruffling Hinata's hair.

"Aren't you gay?" Akaashi asks, slightly embarassed by the loud clamor the group was making.

"You don't need to be straight to know when a girl a hot."

"Hey, Kageyama! Why are you walking so far behind?!" Hinata shouts, running back to the dark haired boy, grabbing the attention of the rest of the group.

"It's nothing, leave me alone dumbass!" Kageyama shouts when Hinata starts to approach him.

"Don't be a party pooper!"

Both continue to shout at each other and no one really interrupts considering that things always ended up like this. Eventually the two would work it out.

"You're being weird, Kageyama. Why are you walking with your hands in front of you?!"

"Dumbass! I said let go!" He shouts back but it doesn't stop the shorter. Hinata continues to tug on Kageyama's arm and Kageyama can't do anything but weird movements to avoid him. However, with his mobile skills, Hinata catches him off guard and manages to pull his hands away from his body.

"Pfftt," the group hears from Hinata, dragging everyone's attention back. There's a slight pause and a few snickers here and there erupt as the group slowly starts to realize what is happening one by one.

"Hey Tobio, does Hinata getting his hands on you turn you on that much?" Oikawa teases devilishly.

"Shut up! I wasn't expecting the sex scene at the end, okay!!" Kageyama shouts, crossing his arms and looking away in embarrassment. Despite it being cold, he takes off his jacket and ties it around his waistline.

"That's what did it for you? It was barely a minute long and you couldn't even see anything!" Atsumu laughs.

"You need to get laid bro," Kuroo joins in, highfiving Bokuto after his snarky remark as Kenma shoots him a slightly judgemental look.

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