Oikawa - Lingerie Reaction

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short story series

A sharp crack echoes in the room and this time, you can do nothing but allow your jaw to drop. It seemed your voice gave up on pleading for mercy.

"Did I tell you to stop counting?"

Your heart skips a beat and there's panic as you speak. "N-no sir! I'm sorry...7."

There's silence and then you hear him release a long-awaited sigh. "You're lucky I'm being so nice to you today. But that's the only slip-up you get. You know how I liked well-behaved pets."

His palm is warm as it rubs your ass, soothing the same spot that he continues to abuse. Another slap. Eight

"Do you know why you're being punished?"

You can't even look up at him to answer since he has you bent over his lap. But his voice alone made you tremble and looking up at him would make you absolutely speechless. "For teasing you while at work."

"That's right. Princess wanted to show off her new outfit that badly." His voice is condescending as he gives your red and swollen cheeks a few taps, each one causing you to flinch as if you were bracing for impact. But of course he knew better than to be so predictable. Crack. Nine.

He takes one finger and hooks it underneath the fabric. It hugs your shape nicely but there's still room for him to move. His finger traces all the way down to what can only be called a string that covers not enough between your legs. "This hardly does anything for you," he says before letting go of the fabric and causing it to slap against your slicked and eager folds.

He then takes two fingers and run them up and down your cunt as if to sooth it. But it's all a game for him. He's testing you because despite how much he wanted your velvet walls to wrap around his dick, he knows you'd break before he ever would.

"What if someone had seen my phone?" He feigns worry as one hand lifts your chin ever so gently. "Some other guy could have been jacking off with the thought of you in this skimpy outfit tonight." But Oikawa would never let that happen. He would go to the ends of the earth to cut through anyone's eyes who dare to look at you with lust. Some may call that insanity- he called it love.

"I'm sorry, sir." Ten.

He watches silently as your body is silently twitching underneath him. Your ass blooms red that matched the undergarment quite well. The way the lingerie was designed left a perfect entrance to your sopping pussy so that he wouldn't even have to take it off. It was a genius idea and he mentally applauded you for knowing his tastes down to a T.

Two fingers drag down your ass and follows the panties as it goes around your entrance. You bite on your lip to prevent a whine from slipping through. But even without it, Oikawa knew that you were practically begging for more.

"Does my princess want me to touch her?"

You nod your head but actions aren't enough for him. "Yes, sir. Please touch me sir."

He smiles before letting his two fingers slide back up and the tips of his fingers dip into your pool of arousal. "I'm being so kind to you today. This is supposed to be a punishment, you know."

Punishment or not, this was too good to ignore. Your hips shake unwillingly that invite his fingers to travel deeper.

He starts with one, submerging it fully inside your warmth. Your body welcomes him with ease, even squeezing around the long digit. He playfully moves his finger inside of you, curling it and rubbing up against your walls before drawing back.

The second time he adds a finger, doing the same experimental movements inside of you once more. This thickness was perfect. You could feel the way his knuckles are slightly wider as they slide in and out of you and you go crazy for the way he plunges into a soft and squishy spot inside of you.

"Why don't you thank me for being so nice?"

You're breathless. But you know if you don't do as he says, he'd pull out of you without any mercy. He would tell you these things not as suggestions, but rather demands. He was quick to put anyone on a leash- including you.

"Th-thank you, sir. Thank you for teaching me to behave. I promise I'll do better."

He hums for a second which usually means he's satisfied with your response. "What a great learner I have," he smiles, using his free hand to stroke the back of your head..

Your hips start to jerk forward and back along with his fingers. His fingers are relentless as they slowly start to throw caution to the wind. Each time he enters, you can hear a lewd sound escape your bottom pair of lips. Your legs feel sticky and you wouldn't be surprised if the thin material was a dark shade of red, colored by your wetness.

His fingers torturously curl against the same spot over and over again- the place that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head and the same place that makes you want to check the front of your stomach to see if it was still intact.

You're teetering on the edge and Oikawa knows it. But he wouldn't let you have your way so easily. He draws out his fingers in a sudden and unpredictable movement. A trail of arousal hangs between your bodies before falling against your bare thigh.

But Oikawa wasn't so rude as to leave you alone. His finger is quick to find your clit. The arousal that coats his pointer finger makes it easy for him to draw addicting and heavenly circles against your eager bud.

Your jaw drops in astonishment. Each passing second causes the build up in your stomach to grow even more. There's a part of you who wants to escape his movements, knowing that he would either deny you of and orgasm, or drive you to the point you were begging him to stop touching you because of how sensitive you felt and only then would he demand for at least one more orgasm- and both options sounded like torture.

"Sir, I want to- to cum, please."

His fingers slide between your folds against and in one finger, then two, and then three. For a moment, you stop breathing. "S-sir," you say again, pussy squeezing and eyes forcing themselves shut. "Sir, c-cum- wanna cum."

"You better hold it if you know what's good for you."

The thickness of his three fingers almost drives you over the edge. You were doing your best to rid your mind of every thought about letting go and having a wave of pleasure wash through your body. "Pl-please, sir."

You thought begging would help. You thought wrong.

Oikawa grabs a fistful of your hair, jerking your head backwards as you gasp for air. "You think I'm gonna change my mind just because you're a little fussy?"

You should have stayed quiet. The back of your head burns but his grasp on your head doesn't lighten up. If anything, he starts using it to slam your hips back against his fist.

Your nails start digging into the floor as you try to grab onto anything. But it doesn't distract you from the calling from between your legs. You wanted to speak up, to tell him you couldn't hold it. But he knew. He always did.

The trusting of his fingers doesn't stop and as liquids start to pour down your thighs. Your screams cover up any sinful sounds that escape your calling pulling but they're all incoherent anyways.

Each thrust is meticulous, and Oikawa watches closely as your eyes start disappearing in the back of your head. This was it- you couldn't hold back anymore. "C-cummi-"

And your voice fades when you notice the presence of his fingers also disappear. You come to in shock and in need to a grinning Oikawa. Before you even get in a word, he stuffs your mouth full with his dirtied fingers. "I can't let you do that, Y'N. Remember, this is your punishment." 

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