akaashi ~ not jealous

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akaashi gets jealous and it leads to something more intense (and kinkier) than usual

akaashi!dom, orgasm denial, grinding, penetration, gagging

"Ah! Sorry I'm late!" you yell, rushing into the cafe doors. You're practically breathless and you lean against the table where your boyfriend and his friend, Bokuto were already sitting for support. "I got off the bus a station too early so I ran all the way here!" you explain, taking deep breaths in between words.

"Don't worry, it hasn't been too long," Akaashi says calmly, pulling out the chair next to him for you to sit down on.

You smile and sit down, melting into the comfortable chair. "Oh? Why are you all alone Bokuto senpai?" Your boyfriend immediately tenses up next to you and his pupils restrict. In that moment, judging by his reaction, you knew you shouldn't have mentioned it.

Bokuto slumps over the table, burying his face in his arms. His eyes look like a puppy's and his lips form a small pout. "I'm dateless! Why? Why me?" he says with a dramatic tone.

You stutter over your words, finding it difficult to come up with the right words for an apology. You glance over at Akaashi, hoping he could understand his partner better than you did.

"They suddenly cancelled when something came up," he whispers to you, explaining why your double date suddenly turned into a date and a third wheel.

You mouth an 'oh' when you realize why you had touched a nerve and all you wanted to do was to make it right. You move to the other side of the table and take the empty seat next to Bokuto who was still slumped over. You hesitantly reach over to his arm before touching it softly and he looks upwards at you.

"W-We can still have fun together, senpai," you say with an apologetic tone.

His eyes light up and he sits up straight before clearing his throat. "You're right, Y/N!" He grabs your hand and grips it tightly as he brings it to his chest. "Let's do it together!" he proclaims. Well, you learned that he was definitely an easy person to cheer up.

For the rest of the 'double date,' you did your best to make sure Bokuto was in a good mood. You felt pretty responsible for his earlier slump so to make up for it, you wanted to make sure he was feeling less- alone. You stuck by his side the whole day and although it was draining, it was sort of fun. Luckily for you, Bokuto was an easy guy to lift. Soon enough, he was smiling and cheerful again.

All while Bokuto's dragging you along by your wrist and pouncing randomly at you, you noticed your boyfriend was being unusually quiet. He was always quiet in some ways but even this time, he made no attempt to interfere with Bokuto's wild ideas and each time you glanced over at him, he would glance away. And as the day went on, it only became worse. Something seemed- off.


"Keiji?" you ask, the two of you making your way back to your apartment together.

He hums in the response, keeping both of his hands in his pockets.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine," he replies simply.

You stare at him for a little, biting your lip. "Oh." You could tell he was thinking much more than "fine" could entail. But you knew he wouldn't just out right tell you what he was thinking.

The two of you walk inside the apartment quietly, first Akaashi and you following. He immediately makes his way to the bedroom and what else were you to do but follow. When you walk into the doorway, Akaashi was already sitting on the edge of the bed.

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