sakusa ~ all clean

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your boyfriend comes over to study but just studying would be boring

soft male dom, oral, fingering, penetration

It was an average afternoon. You had just showered and the timing couldn't have been better. With two familiar knocks, you come running to your door. It was exactly who you were expecting. You greet him with a perky smile and he looks a little surprised to see how happy you were to see him.

"Hey, come on in," you wave towards your boyfriend and he follows you in with his backpack before shutting the door behind him. He draws his mask down and looks around your apartment. "Don't worry, everything was wiped and sprayed down, twice," you reassure him, already knowing what he was thinking. You could practically see the shine from every surface.

How you got the date Sakusa Kiyoomi? It was a long process to even become his friend. At first, you thought he was weird and unsociable and once you thought about it, he could have thought you were pushy and persistent. However, the more you hung out with him, the more you found his acts and ticks to be endearing. And slowly, your relentless teasing withered away his social boundaries and although you guys didn't act like it all the time, you two were able to have a playful (45% love, 55% hate) relationship. You two were like puzzle pieces, filling in the places that the other didn't have.

He walks in slowly and you sit down on the floor with textbooks and homework sprawled out in front of you. He stares at you while standing in place and it took you a while to notice.

"What? Is my twice vacuumed floor and my twice wiped table not good enough for you?"

"Do I really trust you that much?" he challenges you.

"EH!? You're the one who asked for me to teach you! You might be good at volleyball but you suck when it comes to using your brain," you shoot back, crossing your arms as you throw a fit. "But if you want to fail, by all means, go ahead."

He takes a deep sigh before taking his bag off his shoulder and walking over to you. He beings to reluctantly take a seat down next to you and your eyes turn flat from his over the top performance. Getting impatient with him, you grab him by his arm and tug him to finally sit down and he groans in response. However, you ignore his remark.

You begin to dig out the books you needed from the organized mess and Sakusa waits patiently. The two of you begin your study session which was mostly you attempting to teach him and him overly sighing.

Eventually, hours go by that your butt feels numb from just sitting there. You're starting to doze off when you jolt up at the sound of a slamming book.

"Are you done?" you say, itching your eyes.

"Yeah," he sighs, dropping his head backwards. Without even having to say it, both of you felt very relieved to be done. Although it nice to be in each other's company, studying for finals wasn't exactly the most romantic nor exciting date.

After just sitting there for what felt like days, you lean next onto Sakusa's shoulder. He returns your affection with his, his head resting on top of yours. His dark hair dangles over you and you stroke it tenderly.

He glances over your way and his eyes are half lidded. You loved when he looked at you like that. Perhaps, it was because it felt like he could look through your soul, or perhaps it was because you've never seen anything as black as his eyes. They were gorgeous.

You could blame it to the haziness that has affected you but you lean towards him and plant a soft kiss on his neck. And after one, it just didn't feel enough. You kiss him a second time at the same spot and once more just a little higher.

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