atsumu, osamu & suna ~ again and more pt. 2

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part 2 of again and more

threesome, double penetration, oral, vibrator, anal beads, degredation, overstimulation, begging, humiliation, on film, bruh- I've lost track

"SunaSuna!!" you cry out, legs shaking so violently that even the bed frame is rocking. "Please, touch me!"

"Hm?" he hums, looking up from his snug position between your legs as if he wasn't indulging in the sound of your voice breaking whilst you say his name. "I thought you liked this."

What is this? This refers to the small vibrator that's been running up and down your soaked folds for what felt like hours. "Your mouth, f-finger, dick, mmmhh!! anything Suna!" You were begging him so much that it looked almost pathetic- but that's how he liked his girls after all.

"You want me to stop?" Your nod your head endlessly, probably making a mess of your hair into the bed sheets. "Then look into the camera and beg for me."

He raises his phone that was focused on your leaking cunt to give him a clear shot of your face. When you lock eyes with the camera, you immediately clam up. You had forgotten about it until now. Your eyes glance to the left and you bite your lower lip in retaliation but Suna would never let you have your way this easily.

He brings the vibrator up to your swollen clit, ruthlessly pressing into your skin and it has you screaming. His own dick throbs at the sight and he thanks the gods that he was able to catch that moment on camera. "You just always have one of those in your bag?" asks Atsumu, clearly only asking to annoy his friend.

Suna leaves the question unanswered, having something a lot of urgent in his mind. "Beg," he demands, turning the vibrator on the highest setting.

"Suna!! AHHHH pleasepleasepleaseplease!! I need you- I-I don't want it. T-tou-ahh touch me, touch me! oh god."

A tingle runs through Suna's body. He puts the phone back up at a comfortable angle and to the side before coming to your rescue. He shoves the vibrator into your pussy and you gasp at the sudden sensation, but what's worse is the feeling of his finger tip, glossed in your arousal, that circles the rim of your ass.

A silent scream falls as he insets one finger, immediately curling it downwards. You go still, trying to process all the pleasure you felt in that moment.

"Don't forget about my brother. Show him what you showed me," Atsumu says, urging your tongue to continue it's handy work despite him making it impossibly harder by playing with your hardened nipples.

But it's not like you have to do much work in the first place when Osamu suddenly has a hand on either side of your head. Your neck feels strained with how much your head is craned backwards, but that's nothing compared to the discomfort of your throat that feels packed to its limit.

Even as he feels the back of your throat going against him, Osamu refuses to stop until he could disrespectfully slap your face with something other than his hands.

You pull against the restraints but it doesn't do much except probably make them tighter. "Relax, baby girl. You're only making it harder if you struggle," whispers Atsumu, as if he had experience with sucking dick. But if you really thought about it, you wouldn't be surprised if he did.

One of Osamu's hand finds home of your throat, sighing suddenly as he feels his own bulge sliding in and out. "I might just cum in here."

"Speaking of which, Rin, you about done?"

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