bokuto & kuroo ~ uninvited guest

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bokuto and kuroo are friends with benefit and somehow, you get mixed in as well

threesome, small mentions of malexmale, bondage, double penetration, oral

Today you were visiting your friends Bokuto and Kuroo at their apartment which they shared together. You guys had plans to play video games and order in pizza tonight. Apparently the two of them were friends since high school in Tokyo and although you went to the same school as Bokuto, you two didn't meet till both of you graduated. Anytime you guys hung out, they mostly went wild and it was your job to keep them in their place. However, there are times were you would get caught up in the excitement as well which in retrospect, made you feel ashamed.

Thinking that you guys weren't planning on going out, you came over in a pair of wind shorts and a hoodie, opting for a comfy look. You knock on their door but there's no one answering. You knock again. 'Maybe they aren't home' but that thought immediately leaves when you hear a loud clatter from the inside.

You reach for the doorknob and the door opens to an empty apartment. "These guys, leaving their apartment unlocked. I swear they're gonna get robbed one day," you sigh at their stupidity, rubbing your forehead with your palm.

"Bokuto? Kuroo?" You call out and no one responds. You could have sworn that you heard someone or something inside. You peek into their game room and the kitchen but no one was there. However, you spot Kuroo's phone on the counter and you knew he wouldn't leave without that on him.

You decide to head to their rooms, going to Kuroo's first. When you open the door, no one was inside. You see his messy bed and some papers on the floor but it all appeared to be very clean and normal. Well, there was only one more place to check.

When you're outside Bokuto's room, you hear some muffled words inside. It sounded mostly one sided but it seemed like they were yelling or arguing about something. When you open the door, you immediately freeze at the sight. Kuroo was laying on the bed with nothing with boxers on and his hands were bounded above his head by some type of leather cuffs which were wrapped around the bed frame. Kuroo who was kicking and yelling immediately shuts up when he spots you, slightly ashamed and embarrassed.

Honestly, you weren't even surprised at this point. You knew the two sometimes fooled around but you never wanted to actually imagine it. You didn't care to picture your two friends getting it on with one another and you definitely didn't need to know this piece of kinky information. The two of you make eye contact and after a painful 5 awkward seconds, with flat eyes and a monotone voice you say, "I'm gonna go," and you begin to shut the door.

"NO WAIT, Y/N! COME BACK! UNTIE ME!!" He yells after you and you sigh before hesitantly deciding to rescue your friend.

You walk to the side of the bed and he begins to frantically explain his situation. "It's not what you think....and he just....I swear I don't..." You attempt to fade out his voice, not caring for the details. You also consciously avoid staring at his exposed body which were for different reasons which you prefer to keep to yourself. Fiddling with the cuffs, you notice that they're belt like and it takes you a couple of seconds to get both of his wrists out.

When you finally finish, he sits up, rubbing both of his wrists and he winces.

"Does it hurt?" You ask with a flattened tone.

"No, but I thought it would add dramatic effect," he laughs.

You put your palm on his forehead, pushing him back into the bed. "Loser."

"Hey! Y/N!! You're early," Bokuto suddenly enters his room, somehow also just in his boxers. What is wrong with the two of them? "Aww you let him go," He whines when he spots Kuroo sitting freely.

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