tendou ~ strangers in the night

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you meet an interesting boy in the dead of night and being the adventurous person you are, the two of you go at it right in the middle of house full of sleeping boys

soft male dom, light public sex, fingering, penetration

"Y/N?" Semi asks, standing at the front door of his house looking quite astonished. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, mom said that Auntie has something for her so I came down to pick it up and since it's quite a long way back to Hokkaido, Auntie and Uncle said I should just stay the night and leave tomorrow," you explain, itching the back of your neck.

Truth be told, you were a tad bit uncomfortable. Not because of Semi. In fact, the two of you had a great relationship. If anything, he and you got along really well. Your parents were rather strict but Semi always understood your need to just be a little adventurous or what you would call a 'wild child.' He would help you sneak out, go to concerts together and all sorts of unimaginable things. But getting back to the topic at hand, you were expecting to see Semi tonight but what you didn't expect was an entire group of boys following him inside the house.

Each boy gives their respective greeting as they enter, some being more formal and some being more awkward. It was one thing to have all attention on you but it was another to have all attention on you while wearing your pajamas.

"Ah, so this is your cousin?" a boy with jet black hair and bangs asks while poking his head over the shoulder of Semi.

"Yeah. Everyone, this is L/N Y/N," he says, extending his arm towards you and you bow in politeness. "Sorry Y/N, I didn't realize you'd be here today. If I had known, I wouldn't have invited everyone over for the night," Semi explains, putting his hand on your shoulder.

"It's fine, Eita. I'll try to stay out of your way so you just have fun," you smile, giving your goodbyes to everyone before fleeting off.

"Sorry I'm late!" someone runs in, panting. "The store just released this weeks Shonen Jump and it's the last chapter!" he shouts happily, showing off his possession to any boy who would look over. "Look! It's about Volleyball! You might like it Wakatoshi-kun!"

The latter boy hums a response, eyes glancing over the title while not having a slightest change of expression.

"Tendou, you just missed my cousin but I'll introduce you two later," Semi dismisses quickly and the thought leaves Tendou's mind before it even enters.

The night goes on as usual. Occasionally, you can hear laughter from the group of boys through the thin walls but that was the extent of your interaction. It was a very modest house but with a whole team of boys over, Semi's room and the spare were filled to the brim. While they were having a fun night in, you made yourself comfy in the main area. All you needed was a blanket and the floor was good enough for you. However, it was only a hall away from Semi's room and you wondered at what time they would finally calm themselves down.

Eventually, everyone calms down and it was gradual that you barely noticed. You look at your phone and it's already well past midnight. Looking up, the lights down the hall were all shut as well so you figured that everyone had gone to sleep by now. Speaking of which, it was pretty late so going to sleep seemed like the only reasonable thing to do. You get out of your blanket to turn off the lights and you suddenly feel parched. Luckily it's not too dark and you start making your way to the kitchen.

As you step out into the hall, you're suddenly met by a tall figure who seems just as surprised to be running into someone in the dead of night.

"Huh? Who are you?" he asks, eyes narrow in confusion.

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