Akaashi - Lingerie Reaction (ft. Bokuto)

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short story series

Akaashi was a frequent visitor for Bokuto. The two of them hit it off some time in high school and they've been attached at the hip ever since- or at least that's what Bokuto told you.

You got to know Akaashi pretty decently too, especially since he's over all the time. The man was conventionally attractive, smart, conversational, polite, and all the other positive words you could list. His company was always welcomed and you had no problem having him over since the place always seemed a little cleaner after he left.

But today you weren't there, only the boys. They did their usual, catch up, eat some snacks, Akaashi even brought some alcohol. After all, it was a Friday night.

"I'm gonna hit up the toilet, all this alcohol is getting to me."

"That's fine, Bokuto-san," replies Akaashi, pausing the movie.

He waits patiently for Bokuto who was pretty fast in the bathroom so he knew he wouldn't have to wait long. That's when Bokuto's phone suddenly dings, catching his attention.

"Y/N-San messaged you."

The toilet flushes and Bokuto goes to wash his hands. "Can you read it for me? My password is ****!"

Akaashi does as he's told, entering Bokuto's phone like he's done before. He opens up your message to Bokuto and his heart sinks. He had read the message where you asked Bokuto is you had eggs still in the fridge but at the same time, his eyes can't help but drift upwards at something else- something much more scandalous.

It seems that Bokuto didn't have a great history of deleting his digital footprint. Akaashi locks the phone, feeling that he'd dig a deeper hole for himself in hell if he stared at it any longer. And as if on cue, Bokuto comes back out.

"What'd she say?"

His eyes are wide, cheeks completely flushed. "Eggs... s-she wants to know if you have eggs still."

"Oh, can you just text her that we do?"

Akkashi's fingers hesitate on the phone. "I think it's best you do it, Bokuto-San."

Bokuto finally sits down next to his best friend, peering over his shoulder as Akaashi refuses to make eye contact. "What's wrong, you're acting weird."

The guilt was going to cause him to go insane. He was thinking sinful thoughts of his best friend's girlfriend! How could he even call himself a good friend to Bokuto or even you! Not after his dick was unwillingly reacting to that photo.

Akaashi quickly turns to Bokuto, slamming his head to the ground in a bow. "I'm sorry Bokuto-San. I didn't mean to see it, I promise I won't ever bring it up again."

Bokuto is taken off guard, hands coming up in defense. "Whoa whoa... what's gotten into you?"

Akaashi extends his arm with phone in hand in complete silence. The phone is already unlocked, left at the screen that Akaashi remembers oh so clearly.

"A-ahhhh...." trails off Bokuto, clearing understanding what's got Akaashi's panties in a twist. "Sorry about that, she sent me that while at a team get together a while back. D'ya know we actually did it in the bathroom that day? She's a lot more risky than she looks."

Bokuto seemed surprisingly casual about the whole topic which caught Akaashi off guard. "So... you're not upset that I saw it?"

"Huh? Nah, it was an accident. And you're only a man after all, I can understand your reaction since I am one too."

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