osamu ~ after closing

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just another thing to add on osamu's to-do list

oral, degredation, spanking, suggested exhibition, fingering, penetration, squirting

Osamu, knife in hand, swipes his forehead with his free arm before getting back to his closing prep which was only half an hour away. It was a dead Monday night for his restaurant- nothing uncommon. In fact, it would have been relaxing if not for the other person on the other end of his phone.

"I told you Rin, I'm not being picky. I'm just saying that if we're going to be doing this, might as well make it enjoyable."

Don't get me wrong, Osamu loved Suna- the two have been together since a year after their graduation. Recently, however, the two have had a small conflict amongst them. Let's just call it a little disagreement.

Osamu knew that Suna was getting impatient which was never fun for Osamu and on the other hand, Osamu himself was getting frustrated.

"Alright, I'll find someone, okay? Just give me some time."

The jingle of small bells causes Osamu to look up from the counter- 25 minutes till closing. He sighs softly, not letting the customer hear. "I've got customers, I'll talk to you later, Rin."

He hands up the phone, turning his attention to the woman who has pulled out a bar stool with a menu in hand.

"What'll it be?"

She looks at the menu for less than 10 seconds- maybe 11 if we're being generous. "Surprise me."

"You don't want to look more?"

"You don't trust yourself?" His brows furrow for a second- but he doesn't let the question bother him for more than 3 seconds. Osamu decides to just make whatever's easiest. After all, there was only 24 minutes till closing.

"Is it always this dead in here?"

Osamu's hands pause. "I'll let you know that we're opening a branch in Tokyo soon."

"Ah..." she hums, taking a visual tour of the place. "Pleasant..."

His teeth grit. She's a bit annoying- but annoying isn't the right word. Menace- that's the word he was looking for. She reminded him of another person he knew who just like her- liked to aggravate people for no reason. But he's no stranger to fighting fire.

He brings a plate up to her seating spot once he's finished. "Try this."

She pauses for a second, glancing him up and down as he stares and waits- as if needing the validation for some odd reason. "You're a man of few words, aren't you?"

A vein nears popping. Forget what he said earlier- she is annoying. "Just try it."

"And if I don't..."

He knew what she was doing- there was no way she didn't. And as much as he would normally let things go- he was secretly very competitive. It was a familial trait.

"Whatever. I'm getting paid either way," he says, turning away.

"It's good."

Then he pauses, turns around, and now his attention is still somehow on her. Closing was in 10 minutes- he didn't have time to waste on her and yet, here he was.

It's been one week since then and every other day, Osamu could expect the same woman to come in just around 25 minutes till closing. Today was no different. He's on the phone with Suna again, arguing about the same thing and he hangs up just the same as the familiar bells of the front door alerts him that he's no longer alone.

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