nishinoya ~ after practice

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while trying to confess, you get stuck in the storage room closet with your crush...

first time jitters, grinding, fingering, penetration, fluff-ish, praise

You slump yourself against the wall of the gym, wiping away a brow of sweat while fanning yourself off with your other hand.

"Man, I'm completely drained," a shaven 2nd year says as he stumbles his way towards you, taking a seat on your left. "How are you keeping up?" he asks.

"It's definitely different from our practices," you say, referring to the girl's volleyball team. "But, I definitely think I'm getting least that's the hope," you joke.

"Nah, you definitely are. You're even giving Nishinoya a run for his money."

You chuckle slightly. That definitely was a very high compliment, at least to you. "Thanks, Tanaka-kun."

It was currently late at night and the Karasuno Boy's Volleyball Team had just finished practice. You weren't a part of the team but rather the girl's team at the school who lost the 2nd round of the preliminaries. You only had one more year at this school and although it seemed like a stretch, you couldn't help but imagine what it'd be like to stand on the national stage.

Now that you had a couple months off, you asked Sawmura-senpai if you could practice on the side of the gym while they held their practices. As libero, you didn't get in the way of the practices most of the time so he didn't see why not. Most of the time, you'd just help with serves or even pick up extra balls. It was a steady process, but when you looked at the new bruises on your knees and legs, it made you feel a little better.

While you're having these thoughts, your eyes naturally drift to a certain somebody who was still going strong despite it getting late into the night. He was still rolling around that anyone's eyes would automatically go to him first by how much he was moving. Your head tilts to the side, noticing his hair that was going astray, the light sheen of sweat on his forehead, the defined muscles on his legs every time he lunged down.

"You're head's gonna hurt if ya keep staring," Tanaka says, lightly pushing you which takes you out of your trance.

"I wasn't staring!" you retort, pouting slightly but the evident blush on your face says otherwise.

"It's so obvious you like him. You're lucky he's oblivious," the boy continues to tease.

"Don't act like you're any better than him."

"Don't change the subject. You're the one with the big fat crush."

"I swear, I will punch the living-"

"Hey, we're all gonna start cleaning up. It seems like we're all pretty tired today," a grey haired 3rd year says as he walks by with two water bottles, handing one to the each of you.

"Thank you, senpai," you say gratefully, pushing yourself up from the ground to help the rest of the team clean up.

"Y/N has a crush~~" Tanaka jokes in a sing song voice to which you respond by making sure no one else was looking and then you proceed to pelt the volleyball in your hand straight at him.

You hated to admit it, but yes, you did have a crush on Nishinoya. He was also so passionate, bold, uplifting, inspiring, and the list could go on and on. You didn't want to have a crush on him, in fact, you hated having a crush. It was so mentally taxing, to be thinking of somebody so often. It drove you insane- and not in a good way. But today was the day. You were going to get it off your chest so at least this burden wouldn't bother you anymore, despite whatever is the outcome.

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